
New material at Montréal's anarchist bookstore L'Insoumise

clara bow, Tuesday, January 9, 2007 - 15:55

The bookstore offers a wide range of magazines, books (new and used), pamphlets, newspapers representing different tendencies of the anarchist movement.

It also has books and other material about Native People.

"Vision on Fire" David Proter
" 'Vision on Fire' is a historical treasure...It is fascinating in what it reveals, not only about Emma Goldman and the ideas of anarchism, but also about the Spanish Revolutin, and the lives of so many extraordinary individuals who participated at that time in the world-wide struggle for justice." (Howard Zinn)

"The Russian Anarchists" Paul Avrich
"Avrich consulted published material in five languages
and anarchist archives worldwide to resent a picture
of the philosophers, bomb throwers, peasants and
soldiers who fought and died for the freedom of
'Mother Russia.'"

"Outlaws of America" Dan Berger
" 'Outlaws of America' brings o life America' most
famous remegades: the Weather Underground. Based on
detailed and original research, it is a gripping
account of the actions and motivations of the group of
white peole who risked everythng to oppose war and racism."

Derrick Jensen
"Endgame Vol. 1 The Problem of Civilization"
"Endgame Vol. 11, Resistance"

David Porter
"Vision on Fire Emma Goldman on the Spanish

Rudolf Rocker
"Nationalism and Culture"

Paul Avrich
"The Russian Anarchists"

Martha Ackelsberg
"Free Women of Spain:Anarchism and the Struggle For
the Emancipation of Women"

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