
Political murder? Dutch police investigates Dutch police...

forpressfound, Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 06:06

Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent

None of all the cell phone pictures and video recordings asked for by the police 'investigating' a professional murder in Holland could be used, they said. Which, according to the people that made the pictures and handed over the video films, was a pack of lies. 3 weeks later (!) the police published a bad drawing...

Thieves in the night hate the light.

FPF-The Netherlands, Nijmegen, Nov. 15th 2006 - Mr. Floris Tas, who is a lecturer (law) at the Police Academy in Apeldoorn, would have been fired by the State if he last August 7 had taken part in a TV program concerning the liquidation of journalist/researcher Louis Sévèke. The murder case is still smoldering within the compliant massmedia's silence, and many think the professional killer will not be found until a whistle blower starts talking. Louis Sévèke was killed today exactly one year ago and 300 meters from where this is written, on November 15, 2005, in the city of Nijmegen in the eastern part of The Netherlands.* The 'authorities' profited most: Sévèke's computers were immediately confiscated and the records contained a wealth of information concerning all persons and movements which were and are critical of the 'managers' bleeding The Netherlands.

Sévèke, who always acted within the law, gave free legal advise to many - including victims of police violence and squatters - and during his twenty years of research also wrote a book, Homerus, concerning the Dutch secret services and their 'special police forces'. Their snooping, repression, infiltration and servility to the people in power, the profiteers. He undressed the whole under cover operation of the police intelligence service (PID) and how they had infiltrated alternative movements in the city of Nijmegen and the surrounding Gelderland province. Shortly before he was murdered, Sévèke published an article in one of the main propaganda papers (NRC) urging the Dutch 'state' and the police command to be more 'open' about it's own terror. But thieves in the dark hate the light. Two weeks later he was gunned down on a street corner in the center of Nijmegen, with two bullets in his head. The calm professionality of the assassin also 'kills' all smokescreen theories about Sévèke being 'the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time'. But there were just too many eyewitnesses who had seen the professional killer and the shooting, to declare the murder a 'suicide'. - []

In the article Sévèke referred among other cases to the fact that the - always with the CIA/Mossad collaborating - Dutch 'secret service' AIVD, (Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheids Dienst) had given real hand grenades to activate it's own creation, the 'Hofstad terror group'. Like in the US, the UK and many other countries where the US junta rules, also in Holland the fear is whipped up - and kept alive and 'functional' - through home made terror by 'the State' and it's special groups. Like the other tax paid 'spooks' they for instance also made their own 'terrorists' web sites like it's done in the US, where they can publish and/or claim anything in the name of Al Quada, the nine times declared dead former CIA asset Osama bin Laden, planning in a medieval cave in Afghanistan, or anything else they have cooked up to scare the people. Before or after their 'false flag' attacks or other under cover operations, threats and killings which 'terrorists' will be blamed for.

The war managers and profiteers have replaced 'communism' as the global danger and scarecrow, with their 'War on Terror' in the US and its many colonies. It is of course their own war OF terror, but now it's naked fascism, the gloves are of. ''We'll kill'm all, let God sort them out.'' is their slogan. People never count, only profit does. So their terror started. "While you stay behind to sort things out, we way ahead, making our own reality." one of the junta's aides among the 'crazies' in Washington declared. And they realized their planned horror.

Like the 9/11 'inside job' with the US junta's secret groups triggering the present day fascism, the Bali, Madrid and London bombings, or the impossible and idiotic 'liquid bombs' plot. In one TV clip, spread for free by the US junta's propaganda factory, a 'security agent' ($5,10 an hour) at a US airport and among hundreds of passengers waiting to check in - pours out a very suspect highly explosive liquid into a dustbin. The stupidity knows no limits apparently. Millions of regularly flying women - with water or gel in their bras to 'correct' their figure - are laughing high above the clouds.


In this clumsy 'Islamic Hofstad group terror' case, other Dutch police officers had not been informed about all the 'false flag' operations by the AIVD and their multinational managers, and two police officers were severely wounded by the exploding grenades when they stormed the fake 'terror' group's apartment. That was what Sévèke's last article was about. Needless to say the assassin has not been caught. And needless to say that many think it was an 'inside job'. Getting rid of a bump in the road on the way to the bank.

Sources within the local police and the investigating 'Bamboo' team confirm that two heads of police, their commanding officers, left the city's police force prematurely. The same happens in the case of the (on paper) 'boss of the police', mayor Guusje ter Horst. She is leaving earlier after publicity was used to stop her career: the media reported that she had been stopped and fined by her own police force because of drunken driving, last July. The negative information was kept secret until needed. The local police force however has problems with this whole scene and scheming, because they do not want to be blamed for this killing which happened on their turf and watch. "But I'll get in trouble myself, if I openly would speak about this." one of the police sources said.

Asked by Sévèke's family, which on paper has the right to have mr. Tas as an external expert to check and follow the investigation, the request was turned down by the Ministry of 'justice' already last March. Sévèke's family now - a year later - still tries to use the Dutch 'Freedom of Information Act' (WOB) to get at the files about the slaying. And see the pictures and videos of the possible murderer. Pictures from the Srebrenica massacre during the Balkan war, in which thousands of people were killed and in which Dutch NATO 'peace keepers' were involved - were destroyed by the MID, the Dutch military intelligence service, 'by accident.' And nobody was to blame.


Probably in an attempt to stop further rumors, three days ago, Saturday Nov. 11th, the local paper 'De Gelderlander' published that the police in Nijmegen also had been investigated itself. Reporting that: ''during the investigation some police officers have been checked. This happened in the first months of the murder investigation. The officers have by the detectives been asked about their experiences with Sévèke in the line of their duty. The information given by the police officers - and in one case an alibi - has been checked." sources told the paper, "It is not known if those investigations within their own circles have brought a solution of the murder case any closer."


Most people know it's a cover up, although a very clumsy one. To give just one Keystone Cop example: a murder team can not start looking for DNA evidence after the city's cleaning service has scrubbed the crime scene 'Spic & Span' clean earlier that day. But they did. This whole deadly farce is a very expensive one too, even if the original 'Bamboo' team of detectives has shrunk to 18. They have filmed in 3-D and reconstructed, but nobody who thinks logically believes one word of what the official police spokesmen and other so called 'officials' say. Now claiming that during the past year they recorded fifty-three-thousand-nine-hundred (53.900) hours of work for the investigation. It's compared to thirty-eight man-years of work. So where's the result? This whole grim charade has not turned up anything at all. Apart from the growing conviction that it's an inside job.

Sévèke, in his book Homerus, took the whole police intelligence service (PID) apart. Something very much needed but the PID got mad of course. One of the PID people blown out of the water at that time, now has a management position within another fishy specialized police department: the Central Division Operational Cases. It covers 'special detective services'. When asked about the matter, he doesn't want to react, saying that "an investigation is held in the Sévèke murder case, so it wouldn't be decent to talk about it."


Police spokesman Ben van Ingen Schenau is certain the police force has been 'professional' enough to keep the murder investigation 'clean', even if their own policemen were checked. Nothing is said about the staff or those who left. And why. According to Dr. H. Sackers of the local Radboud University, lecturing law like mr. Tas: "Guaranteeing the integrity of the police force in this murder investigation is 'horribly difficult'. The totally untrustworthy and 'managers' compliant 'ministry of justice' ('just us') - didn't even offer a comment. They have a long time ago forgotten that they are 'civil servants', our personal that is supposed to serve us. And not permanently screw the people as they do now. But, they'll pay for this too.


According to the Bamboo team in Nijmegen they have asked for assistance from colleagues in England, Germany, Belgium and Dubai, but that seems to be another one of many smoke screens, deceptions and disappearances. Like all the photos and video films - and they really have a lot - which all 'could not be used' again. With every fishy smelling murder, it's the bloody same. Or are the pictures secretly still ''on the shelf to be analyzed later.'', as one detective said last year? Even that contradicts what the police the day after the murder, on Wednesday afternoon, said: they already were looking at the the photos and video material?* Many keep wondering what could have been so important and/or dangerous which Sévèke was investigating, that made it worth killing him for it.

So: what the hell has come out of the interrogation of 500 so called witnesses? Nothing!

What was found in the twenty-five-thousand (25.000) emails and IP-addresses, illegally confiscated by the police from Sévèke's family and friends running a special web site for Louis Sévèke? Nothing!

What's the explanation by the local DA worth, saying the investigation 'has not ground to a halt'? Nothing!

And what kind of picture or description of the killer - was it a midget, someone average or a giant - did the people get from the investigating police in the next THREE weeks after the murder? Nothing!

Any traces whatsoever concerning the killer? Nada! Nothing! Niente! Rien! Nichts! Niets! Ingenting! NoNo!

And now, a year later, many hope that the creatures which are guilty of this liquidation too - using bullets to stop words - soon will be named by a whistle blower and severely punished. Maybe the police 'Kommissars' which left the scene of the crime can start talking? Or other insiders? Sévèke's family and friends on their web site ask for everybody's help. In the also in The Netherlands prevailing profit system, 'political' and other tactically 'important' murder cases are never solved. Not only in their tax haven The Netherlands, but globally the 'managers' and their multinationals always had their Security Systems, hirelings for their own security and profit.* (SS).

They are lawless, ruthless, armed and dangerous, and any knowledge about their mortal activities has just to be 'brainwashed away' by all their massmedia propaganda. Like George Orwell wrote in his book 1984 it would be done by the rulers. In a radio poll on July 27th 2001 the Dutch were asked "Is The Netherlands corrupt?" and eighty-two percent (82%) fully agreed, voting 'Yes'. That's why also this whole fake 'police investigation' is suspected to turn up nothing.

The rulers and their killers guilt however, will last as long as Louis Sévèke is dead.

They all have blood dripping from their hands.

And will slip on it.

Henk Ruyssenaars



* In The Netherlands there still are some real journalists doing their utmost, but there is no place in the sun for honest products. It's an important vassal state within the US junta's regime. That's why the majority of the 16.5 million people via the propaganda media permanently has to be brainwashed to a gutter level, and for instance information about Dutch and the US/NATO's special squads with a 'license to kill' is very scarce. - Url.:

* HR Articles conc. the murder of Louis Sévèke - Url.:

* Dutch investigating journalism Buro Jansen & Jansen - which very professionally does the same work as Sévèke, as a kind of Pro Memoriam for him too - has now opened a web site with advice how to get insight in their own files, the dossiers with the often incorrect information gathered by the secret services. - Url.:

* The Dutch AIVD is directly linked to Sévèkes web site and registers everybody visiting it! - Url.:

* Keep pictures and videos on the shelf - Het Parool - in Dutch - Url.:

* Buro Jansen & Janssen is specialized in monitoring police en secret services. - Url.:

* In Dutch - Sévèke op Nijmegen politie web site - Url.:

* THE 'WHY' OF GLOBAL RESISTANCE - 'Confessions of an economic 'hit man'. - World Bank insider Perkins explains: "Jackals' are CIA-sanctioned people which try to foment a coup or revolution. If it doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." - Globally they permanently stole and steal billions for the World Bank, IMF, USAID, UNDP, AID etc. It's your life too. Must watch Video - Url.:

FPF LINKS - If a factual error is found, pls. send an email, so it can be corrected - Url.:

* The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - during more than four decades for international media, as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab world and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb used by the for profit murdering multinationals and their US junta's war machine, breeds more and armed resistance. Not only among Muslims, as the 'Junta Judasses' claim, but in all 192 countries surrounding the U.S. and Israel. War criminals, beware! - Url.:

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information.

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


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