MARCH FOR OAXACA! Mtl: Nov. 19th, 2pmEmilia, Monday, November 13, 2006 - 10:18 To support the resistance of the people of Oaxaca, the EZLN has called for a national and international campaign of popular resistance. Show your solidarity from Montreal: Participate in the March of Solidarity with the Peoples of Oaxaca! Sunday November 19th 2006 5 pm Assembly, video, discussion in Cafe Utopik See you there! MARCH FOR OAXACA! We demand: To support the resistance of the people of Oaxaca, the EZLN has called for a national and international campaign of popular resistance. Show your solidarity from Montreal: Participate in the March of Solidarity with the Peoples of Oaxaca! Sunday November 19th 2006 5 pm Assembly, video, discussion in Cafe Utopik See you there! More info: La Otra Campana - Mtl: ici_...@yahoo.ca
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