Pope Squat Re-NewJevous, Friday, November 10, 2006 - 12:13
The occupation of an abandon building in Toronto was taken. The Pope Squat was taken over by a coaltion dedicated to affordable houisng years ago, evicted at first snow fall. Today housing was taken by the same colation, years later. Hundreds of protesters occupied the street in a night march on Thursday Nov 9th. The state police heavily guarded the abandon building called the Pope Squat. Police were brought in for all over Ontario to defend an abandon building. The occupation of another building in another neighborhood was taken in response to police wall at 1510 King St. W (Pope Squat). The strategy of the coalition is a 'give it or guard it'. The state could not guard all the abandon building in the area and so attempts on three abandon buildings was made with the occupation of two. The buildings occupation was short lived, four hours of street and house occupation, and no people were arrested. After the pitched street occupation, the fight was taken to the city's mayor’s house, Mr. David Miller, and the police reacted in kind. The protesters had not lift a finger as the police pilled on to the garden, horses breaking up the green lawn, smashing the social peace of the rich neighborhood. The event was black listed from local media, being one week away from the city election. Excellent way to start a campaign for affordable housing...Fight to Win!
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