
Released: Out of Balance: ExxonMobil’s Impact on Climate Change

Anonyme, Saturday, October 21, 2006 - 14:27

Joe Public Films

Joe Public Films has released its fourth documentary, "Out of Balance: ExxonMobil’s Impact on Climate Change". The hour-long expose´ of the oil giant focuses primarily on ExxonMobil’s support of climate change "skeptics", and its influence on the Bush administration.

“In Spring 2006, mainstream media announced that the debate about the human impact on climate was over," said the film’s director, Tom Jackson. “But the debate among most climate scientists had ended long ago, unbeknownst to most Americans. Out of Balance looks at how ExxonMobil spearheaded the misinformation campaign while making record profits."

Out of Balance also looks at the history of the company, showing a pattern of behavior that goes all the way back to Standard Oil days, through the response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, to their current refusal to take action against climate change.

Leading climate scientists such as Michael Oppenheimer and Robert Watson, environmentalists from Exxpose Exxon, Greenpeace and other organizations join with a former Exxon executive, US government whistle-blower Rick Piltz, and leading authors such as Bill McKibben, Elizabeth Kolbert, and Ross Gelbspan to explain how we have gotten to this challenging place, with the climate, and the influence of the world's largest company out of balance. They conclude with hope, and ideas for immediate action.

Out of Balance is included in the Sierra Club’s Energy Film Festival, which will screen in over eighty locations around the country.

Among Joe Public Films’ prior productions is “Greetings From Missile Street", which took a critical look at the crushing effect of US-led economic sanctions on Iraqi civilians. After seeing “Missile Street", Howard Zinn wrote, “It converts abstract statements into personal, immediate images. I hope it will be widely seen in the United States, because it may help arouse the conscience of our nation." The film aired on Free Speech TV and at more than a dozen film fests.

Jackson is scheduling screenings of Out of Balance around the country and will travel in an alternative fuel vehicle to facilitate discussion and encourage people to take action.

For more information about Out of Balance, visit the film’s website at

For more information on Joe Public Films, visit
Contact Joe Public Films at

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