
conflict zone film fund: call for proposals

Anonyme, Friday, October 13, 2006 - 10:41


The Conflict Zone Film Fund is now accepting proposals.

The CONFLICT ZONE FILM FUND provides seed funding for projects that bring together filmmakers from opposing sides of armed conflict situations worldwide. The purpose of the fund is to encourage broad-based dialogue by developing collaborative projects that bridge the divide between communities in conflict with one another. These divides may be national, political, ethnic, and/or religious in character.

The Fund supports both narrative features and documentaries and looks to support work that will be provocative, artistic, and culturally important. Grant awards are typically in the range of $10,000.

To be considered for funding, applicants must first submit a proposal synopsis of no more than 250 words to In addition, the 250-word synopsis, a full proposal of no longer than 5 pages, and samples of your film work (shorts and/or full-lengths) should be submitted via postal mail to the address below. Proposals should clearly indicate how applicants see their project contributing to the promotion of coexistence, tolerance, bridging of cultures. When necessary, the Fund will facilitate the process of finding partners to create a diverse production team.

Please allow three months for the proposal to be reviewed in order to determine if it will be selected as one of the finalists. Only finalists will be contacted. If you would like your materials returned, please include a self-addressed envelope with FedEx or DHL account number with your submission.

Iara Lee & George Gund
Lee & Gund Foundation/ Conflict Zone Film Fund
30 Mesa Street- Suite 300, The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129 USA

For more information, see

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