
cultures of resistance | call for footage

Anonyme, Wednesday, October 11, 2006 - 10:11

mfnw is compiling footage from filmmakers around the world for a feature-length documentary called CULTURES OF RESISTANCE.

CULTURES OF RESISTANCE is a multifaceted initiative that seeks creative ways to bring people from all walks of life together to promote sustainability, diversity, and peace with justice. Grounding our efforts in the universal principles of human rights, we work with artists, filmmakers, musicians, farmers, writers, academics, diplomats, and others to devise innovative solutions to the world's most intractable problems and to promote alternative ways of living.

We are compiling footage from filmmakers around the world for a feature-length documentary tentatively called CULTURES OF RESISTANCE. The film will be a collaborative cinematic collage about the myriad ways in which people are opposing war, oppression, and corporate-led globalization in their everyday lives.

If you have footage that you would like to submit for consideration, please e-mail us at

Be creative! Please note that this is a non-profit project, and any proceeds from the film will be used to fund the other arms of the initiative. However, we will provide a film credit and a small honorarium for any footage used. Deadline for submissions is January 1, 2008.

For more information, see
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