BREAKING INTEL: Grossman 9/11 UpdateAnonyme, Monday, October 2, 2006 - 12:55 (Analyses)
Tom Heneghan
Marc Grossman, former Undersecretary of State under Colin Powell, has been indicted (sealed), in the Valerie Plame outing case. Grossman now tied directly to Israeli espionage against the U.S. Grossman linked directly to the attempt to plant WMD in Iraq thru Turkey and to the 9/11 Cover-up of the July 2001 warning to America in which Donald Rumsfeld and Con Rice knowingly ignored the warnings of George Tenet, former CIA Director.. by Tom Heneghan - - - IF you are not yet aware, be apprised that International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL, sources who are putting their very lives on the line, 24/7, for you and I and our loved ones to SAVE America and the World from Traitors-Treason-Tyranny - - - IDENTIFY THE ENEMIES OF THE "Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police, an entity of the U.S. government itself." Thomas Heneghan, heroic American Patriot, International Intelligence Expert, Federal Whistleblower - - - Israeli Espionage Nest with Bushfraud as the Stooge *** if these links below do not work this explosive intel can be viewed at: http://cloakanddagger.de/ Plame-Gate Won't Go Away It Gets Really Worse Nine Eleven Mastermind? That’s Right It’s Michael Chertoff Political Whore Alert: BITCH & BUSH IN A SLEEZE BOX Viva La France! Major Mossad Terror Plot Busted in Maryland Frist and Lieberman: Two Rotten Scumbags Political Whore Alert of the Highest Order: Frist(r. tenn) fingered as an extortionist Bin Laden is Dead Now Comes the Timeline Question What did They Know and When did They Know It, that Bin Laden was Dead Bushfraud Diversion CIA Rendition Gate is Now 9-11 Treasongate Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program - - - OrlandoMary Court Adjudicated Official Federal Whistleblower These illegal aliens who have engaged in numerous FELONIES of sham marriage, document fraud, perjury, bribery, forgery, failed to pay taxes, etc. have been REWARDED with green cards and our highest privilege of United States citizenship. Our highest privilege of United States citizenship rewards these felons with easier travel on United States passports, voting privileges, the ability to hold public office, and the opportunity for a federal position with access to classified information. These treasonous conspiracies are not about Creator loving, law abiding legal Muslims in the United States , but specifically address illegal Muslims who are being aided and abetted by treasonous officials, after committing numerous felonies defrauding the American People. This is not a political issue of democrats vs. republicans vs. libertarians vs. independents, The Traitor Cabal's on-going treasonous conspiracies of 'giving aid and comfort' to illegal Muslims who have committed numerous felonies while our very own men and women are ordered by the Bush Traitor Cabal to an illegal war against claimed 'seditious' Muslims (who are now in a state of civil war), only to return in body bags or with their arms, legs, hands and feet blown off, bodies burned and/or radiation poisoning, and you and I, John Doe American Citizens, loose our precious freedoms, rights and privacy and our divinely inspired United States Constitution is shredded in the name of the Traitor Cabal's Reichstag created terrorism 'wag the Osama', 'wag the Al Qaeda'. Who in the Bush/Clinton traitor cabal, the Congress, the DOJ, FBI, DHS, OSC, the LMSM is knowingly complicit in these treasonous conspiracies? See: http://www.maryschneider.us TREASON giving aid and comfort to its enemies. Extensive TREASON in these united States of America "We each must seek to be more aware of right and wrong in our daily lives and then, using our God-given Free Will, choose to earnestly strive to do that which is moral and righteous for ourselves and our fellow man, connecting ever more with our Father and Creator of all that exists." Mary Schneider - - - |
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