+please distribute!+
In addition to fund-raising initiatives, petition drives, letter-writing campaigns, lobbying, media work, and coordinated help for people returning from Lebanon, three events are organised for this week in Montreal (please email us at tadamon@resist.ca if you are aware of other initiatives that you would like posted):
* Take the message to Ottawa!Thursday, 27 July. Gather 8:30am
3300 Cremazie East (metro St. Michel).
Human chain at Department of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa, coordinated with a call-in day
Buses leave Montreal at 9am SHARP
To reserve seats: 514 586 4415 or 514 222 0205
Called by: Tadamon!, Association des etudiants libanais musulmans, and the Al Hidaya Association.
* PAJU vigil at Israeli consulateFriday, 27 July, noon
Corner of Peel and René-Levesque
Contact: 514 961 3928
Called by: Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
* Mass mobilisationSunday, 30 July
Called by: Coalition of Lebanese community associations with unions
G20 Special
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