
Lebanon: Throw out war propagandists like the BBC, FOX, CNN, etc.

forpressfound, Friday, July 21, 2006 - 05:32

Henk Ruyssenaars

We all know the BBC is strictly impartial. How do we know that? They themselves tell us! But, in reality most are not 'journalists' but warmongering propagandists. The BBC advocates war: during the last 2 decades it has broadcasted just 2% anti-war dissent! They have shown to be worse than FOX, CNN etc.


by Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF - Amsterdam/Beirut - July 21, 2006 - After having followed the factual stream of information coming out of Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East, and comparing the facts to the broadcasts and information given by the major mainstream media, like the BBC and other war advocating networks, I can NOT understand why any sane person - now in Lebanon for instance - would ever collaborate with those despicable jerks and dish-bitches. They sell wars, and are megaphones of those making the wars. The announced slaughter this week end of Lebanon by Israeli mercenaries is further proof. They help to destroy our life and our countries, as 'embedded' parts of the war machine which is wrecking our globe.

I HAVE NEVER LET DOWN A 'REAL' COLLEAGUE, but those vile creatures are no 'journalist colleagues' one way or the other. They are all liars and Judases that cowardly have sold themselves to the highest bidder. And don't tell me they don't know what they are doing or guilty of. I've for years been elected as Chairman of the Foreign Press Association in Sweden, the FPA with its 150 international correspondent/members, and recognize a Judas using journalism as a cover. They are traitors to us all, and dangerous to mankind. Get their names and check via Internet what they say and write, who they are: not what they claim to be.

Depending on that information - not what they tell you - let them stay or throw them out.



For the past 4 decades I've been an independent foreign correspondent, including 10 years in North Africa and the Middle East. And, what I daily can see and hear on for instance the BBC channels, CNN, FOX, EuroNews, the Belgians and the French TV5, the very bad German channels ARD, WDR, ZDF, and the disgusting Dutch 'NOS' propaganda TV and radio, is purely a falsification of reality. - (Yes, I know the languages) - It is too bad to be true. Stalin would have been proud of this totalitarian falsifying and rewriting of history. National Geopgraphic and Discovery channel for instance - which can be seen all over the world - are sewers of war propaganda. They all lie through their whitened teeth, and without exception mouth the Israeli war message, which is: More through Murder. According to international law and conventions, what they are doing is the same criminal collaboration for which Nazi propagandists after the World War II Tribunals in Nuremberg were hanged.

Most of the interested people by now know that the BBC two decades ago openly started servicing the greedy goals and power of the 'managers' in England: building their false empire at any cost to us others and defending that their 'Might makes Right'. They are the real war criminals, pulling at the strings behind the scene, who put their 'front men' within the media organizations, including - at the top of the BBC - their man Michael Grade. - [] - Within short what was left of honest journalism at the BBC for 98% was snuffed, and the war and killing machine rolls on. Fueled and serviced by the global media machine the 'London War Lords' own. NATO and so called UN 'Peace troops' are part of it, serving the malignant masters of misery.

I've said it before - and I should know - because I've worked for the BBC too in English and German when they still knew what journalism was, and one could broadcast 'live'. Also during the Gulf War. No need denying it: I still have the BBC paychecks. So, as a senior foreign correspondent I recognize what they do, and it is absolutely hair raising and disgusting to hear and watch. Especially if you - like me - have been in Lebanon too. Those 'messmedia' slaves advocate the American/Israeli 'might makes right' militarism: an ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a society's (Homeland?) security, and thereby claims to be its most important aspect. The militarization of society is defined in relative relation to others, and hence views the society as a material entity, which exerts its influence and power over others.* - So much for the intentions of the PNAC, which has - as expected - turned into a "Project for a New American Cemetery''.


If I, my family, friends or my country is attacked, and so many people killed by those madmen with their mercenaries, I would never ever help those BBC, FOX, CNN and all the other propagandists - who defend the necessity of us being killed - for one second. On the contrary: I would start resisting, and one of the first things I would tell them is to leave the country immediately with their murder advocating reporting, for 90% justifying death and destruction. And they'd better be glad that nothing worse would be happening to them.


There is no follower more faithful of the American/Israeli/British war agenda than the BBC, under the PNAC leadership of the BBC's boss and PNAC 'front man' Michael Grady.


A comprehensive 'Media Tenor' survey of coverage of the illegal Iraq war by the world's 'leading broadcasters' - found that the BBC had given just two (2) per cent to demonstrations or anti-war dissent - less than even American broadcasters like CNN or FOX. A Cardiff University study found no evidence that the BBC was anything but pro-war. Historically, the BBC has always supported the establishment's wars by declaring the status quo (war) neutral and dissent "biased". Propaganda made respectable dominates the very language and tone of news and current affairs.

They shame journalism, and helped killing most of a valuable profession. Journalists - in the real sense - are independent watchdogs of society and those self professed so called 'rulers', in a positive way working for their fellow human beings. And not like the situation has grown into, slaving and distorting for the shareholders and war makers of the military industrial complex, which keeps destroying so much of our world.

None of those brain dead BBC war propagandists cried out loud for all the death and destruction globally going on. Nobody at the BBC, or the other parroting prompter pimps, talks about who is financing and making a profit on all the misery. Look at 'Sir' David Frost, this jester at the Court of the 'London War Lords'. Frost is also supposed to 'cover up' the war garbage for al Jazeera's 'new owners'. No tears were - or are - shed for the millions of dead, bombed, DU radiated, tortured, jailed, and otherwise abused people. And Afghanistan, Iraq or Lebanon? Trying to take the power and controlling the energy sources in Eurasia? It's all part of their program. Power and profit are the only bottom lines that count. In their system and way of acting, 99% of us human beings in the world are 'Kleenexers': to be used and thrown away.

The information from Lebanon by the BBC and many others, is fabricated using the same lying technique as usual, which also was used in France when the BBC had to report on the massive resistance to the new slave labor laws. Around three million people demonstrated against the new inhuman labor laws, but that apparently was a figure too impressive to be mentioned by most mainstream traitors, and 'underreported' as always. With the further dilapidating BBC being as usual one of the worst examples in falsifying the facts.


In text, on the BBC web site, it later on was corrected to 'one million' - but the video report which was broadcasted globally - and done by Clive Myrie in Paris - falsely showed 90% raw violence, 1 demonstrating but inarticulate young girl, and of course a well dressed French 'captain of industry', advocating de Villepin's low wage slavery law. - [end quote] - Url.:

And that is exactly the same falsifying way they report from the massacres in Lebanon and other battlefields they have fertilized with their media manure: 'Israel needs and has a right to do this for its protection' is the main theme of all those lying propagandists, justifying the war crimes which are going on permanently. The rights of the rest of humanity don't count in their eyes, nor our protection against their evil.

I do absolutely not see any reason why anybody in the world should keep somebody around who attacks you with 98% of what they are saying. Take a grip, or get a body bag.

Get rid of them, before they get rid of you.

And your country...

Henk Ruyssenaars

An earlier article concerning this was published on Thursday July 20th, 2006, via Indymedia in Beirut, Lebanon. Url.:

The APFN update - with all related links underneath - is here, at TinyUrl.:

Or at Url.:;article=339;title=APFN...

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


Foreign Press Foundation
BBC Watchdog MediaLens

Worse than FOX ?!
Michael Lessard...
Mon, 2006-07-24 09:44

You wrote that BBC "have shown to be worse than FOX, CNN etc."

In you own "propagistic imagintion" maybe. Cut the crap. How the hell can BBC be worse than FOX!?!

Do you listen to FOX news! The BBC news I see on TV every night is incredibly more honest than news from Quebec and way beyond FOX's utter propaganda.

I hate both left-wing and right-wing propaganda.

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

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BBC's still LOUSY and suspicously corrupt with re. to WAR of W.
Mon, 2006-07-24 20:50

i.e., with regards to wars (of aggression) of Western powers.

BBC, which I ceased employing as a source of information on the wars on Iraq, ..., of GW Bush et al and Tony Blair et al, and very early into 2003, this was for two reasons:

1) After reading from far more reliable sources from around the world, and doing my own analyses or thinking, as well as having read from very bogus sources, well, I was eaisly capable of realising that BBC was as point two says.

2) Many of those very FINE sources reported that BBC was reporting BOGUS bs, lies, propaganda buttressing GW Bush et al and Tony Blair et al, their hellbent madness, and so on; and they were clearly right about this.

As for Fox and CNN ..., I don't know, because I rather NEVER bother with them; learning enough about their bogus and rather criminal complicity in these entirely criminal wars of aggression from sources that I have come to know to be very reliable, ....

Greg Palast, who works for BBC, at least seems to sometimes do fine and important, apparently anyway, research and reporting, but other than for what he produces, BBC is used, by myself, mostly just for stories that I get links to via ; sci-fi-ish kind of stuff on UFOs, secret military projects, nature, archaeological research and findings, .... For such stories, I find BBC to be fine enough, although not while claiming, here, that, f.e., the secret military projects stuff is true; because I don't know that it is, but while also not knowing that it is not.

Lessard is right about news from Quebec media outlets being of poor quality, but I rarely bother with it except for stories on local, regional and national stories; and even then spend little time with them, with most of it being only on stories about local ....

Most of the sources I'm referring to, though, these are not TV outlets, only print and online; therefore, the above, my words, applies only in this sense. On the other hand, I do listen to CBC radio and Radio Canada every day and for many hours each day. BBC, at least at night, is broadcast over CBC radio and I have not found BBC really recommendable for this, and it must be very much the same as what they provide on or over TV broadcasting; I assume it is anyway.

Many quality sources have criticised BBC's war-time or war-zone reporting for years now, and I doubt very much anyone will be able to provide me with any significant evidence about them being mistaken. BBC may certainly provide an occasional piece that is reliable, non-propagandistic, ..., but it's not a source that I'd bother with. Instead, I look for regularly reliable sources and only pick up some stories from BBC ..., as stated above; via FT, as well as, although seldomly, via other internet sites that are rather not news outlets but portals through which articles from many different sources are linked or provided via the Fair Use Copyright ... law.

I use, f.e., and it's one of the sites that is not solely but often a multi-source portal, and whenever I open links to articles by BBC, they get chucked, tab's closed and fini with that. I don't have time to waste with too unreliable sources. The only condition I'd be interested in following them carefully is if I was doing a research study, like a comparitive one; else I only want reliable sources to be what I use.

TV, I will admit, I watch and listen to maybe a whole 2 hours a week of it, though, and mainly just for news, to get the film footage of events; but while also getting to learn about what these sources provide for reporting, compared to all of the reliable sources I employ over the internet, www.

But that's my take on BBC. As for Fox, CNN, ..., I don't listen to them at all and therefore only know that they're very bogus because of what reliable sources I read from have reported and reliably so. How can I know that if I don't listen to BBC (except when it happens to be broadcast over CBC radio)? It is not necessary to listen to it; just reading about what it's reporting vs what is really happening suffices.

And with warmonger and truly war-criminal (indictably and convictably, without any doubt, question, for anyone who's sufficiently aware, logically competent, and HONEST anyway) Stephen Harper for PM of the country, Canadians should be expecting for news reporting to diminish in quality, at least with respect to the present Bush et al and Blair et al, and Harper et al, ..., wars of wholly criminal aggression. Oh yes, Harper's war criminal alright; definitely. Unfortunately, Canadians did not care about this HUGE CRIMINAL factor when they elected him, instead of indicting, ..., him, and ensuring that he'd never be able to serve ever again in any political office in this once great country called Canada.

Of course Jean Chretien and Paul Martin are also war criminals, and Martin's also a tax fraud, evasion criminal, which is a crime in both national and international laws. But Harper was the fiercest warmonger of the three. Don't recall why or how? Then you only need to refer to his warmonger blasts at Chretien during early 2003 and perhaps Fall 2002. He made himself WAR CRIMINAL, definitely, unquestionably.

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

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P.S. THANK YOU Henk Ruyssenaars for providing
Mon, 2006-07-24 20:53

as I once requested, the actual URLs for links, instead of only TinyURL ones. While I don't know if your doing this for this particular article has anything to do with that request I had made, the change is most definitely appreciated nevertheless.

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

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Here's a link that may be possibly very helpful in this
Mon, 2006-07-24 21:54


Just A Citizen .com

That is a very IMPORTANT website, and to get one introduction to it, the link was obtained via the following and very important article.

"Foremost 9/11 Whistleblower Discusses Possibility Attack Was Inside Job: Sibel Edmonds agrees weight of evidence leans towards criminal complicity", July 24, 2006,

Criminal complicity, on the part of G.W. Bush et al? Come on now, let's get real. It's unfortunately very real!!! It's also very obvious, which means that while they're in power and they hold the reins of corrupt law enforcement, ..., in the US, well, they sure are awfully incompetent cons, criminals, for real pros endeavour to not be detected. They made themselves and their "handiwork" the opposite, very obvious.

Do you think BBC would report this? It's been spreading propaganda backing the bs "official story" all along, and not only with respect to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001! And there is no excusing BBC in this, for the criminal complicity was all TOO OBVIOUS. Of course BBC is not solely at fault, but that does not make it any less inexcusable. It's criminal as hell for its own criminal complicity and treasonous conduct.

And the following is a piece that I believe people need to carefully read and keep in mind. Patrick Cockburn, of The Independent/UK, reports on Iraq and a very important part of what he says is all too true. While it is important to cover the hellbent war of entirely criminal aggression of Israel on ALL OF LEBANON, we need to be wary of how the media are using this story to DISTRACT worldwide attention away from the ever worsening situation in IRAQ. Both need to be covered, both deserve to be covered, but crucially must be covered; and there's been AWFULLY LITTLE on Iraq ever since this hell bent Israeli government and military warring began a couple of weeks ago.

"Patrick Cockburn: Massacres Soar in Central Iraq: Maliki Government Discredited", July 19, 2006,

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

Dual-citizen, US and Ca; CEGEP in pure and applied sciences, B.Sc. major in computer science, with a minor in business adm., and ten years of professional IT/IS (computer, systems and applications programming, ...; going on eigth year anniversary of total bankcruptcy as of early August 2006, i.e., next month; ya know, because of matters like the despicable OFFSHORING, OUTSOURCING, INSOURCING, and being OVERQUALIFIED for jobs requiring only a high school ed. but while they'd pay sufficiently to be able to live reasonably, and having a French name, entirely English ed. and professional experience just doesn't sell well in Quebec; except occasionally, or unless one's located in Montreal or the area of Hull, Quebec, but having lost everything I had, and being placed at the very lowest welfare level available, else there ain't NOTHING at all, well, all this just makes if awfully difficult to find employment again. (Some people understand the situation, but many don't, and many lack either experience or awareness that'd permit them to understand.)

Unix (mainly); C, shell scripting, Perl (the basic aspects anyway); graphical user interfaces, systems programming, database programming with Progress and a bit with SQL; Canadian mil. defence systems (1991-1994, prior to the warmongering and war crimes of Chretien, Martin and Harper), banking treasury system for a corporate bank (USA), aeronautics systems programming (USA), some telephony systems work (USA), and a bit of other types of programming

US is becoming a 3rd World country, btw. Given that Ca often follows the US' tracks, watch out folks, Canadians.

There are a number of very good to excellent source on the latter information, but while I'll only suggest one, to keep this brief. After that, if people care enough to carefully read and learn about what's going on with regards to 3rd Worldism shifting west or north-west, the articles will provide enough information, perhaps not links but certainly information that can be used to perform searches. And the individual is Paul Craig Roberts, while one site where his articles on the topic have been posted is . Doing a search just on his name, though, this is recommended to at least try.

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NOW that I have READ the ARTICLE, a few more words to add
Tue, 2006-07-25 02:36

Firstly, I don't find ANYTHING at all that I can disagree with in Henk Ruyssenaars' article, which instead strikes me as wholly EXCELLENT and definitely of the order that he clearly (for people adequately informed) says nothing but truth. I've learned enough about BBC's reporting over the past few years to know that Mr Ruyssenaars definitely is telling TRUTH and nothing but TRUTH. Am certainly nowhere near the level of awareness that Mr Ruyssenaars has on this kind of media information, but have learned enough to be able to know that he's being truthful and obvsiouly does care, very very much. (What he's also illustrating about himself is true and very informed patriot order HEART, by the way!)

Hence, Michael Lessard and all other similar believers, I highly recommend that you learn a lot more about the media outlets you believe to be justifiably fond of, because you're off-base, very, from reality; perhaps not having read from a sufficiently broad number or spectrum of journalists, necessarily including those truly out to seek and report the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH. That is not to say that the true journalists don't occasionally err, or overlook some factors, for they sometimes do; but not intentionally, and absolutely all humans are prone to error, which is why it is important to be CAREFUL, to avoid erring.

I don't need to watch or listen to BBC TV to know whether or not Mr Ruyssenaars is saying the truth; having read en masse to be able to easily recognise that he most indeed IS.

This is a post- or edit-insertion, being provided at the top of this post, here, because of several of the articles being of more recent date and urgent nature.

MAJOR, VERY HIGH death rate, especially among children of 15 years of age and less, although also overall high death, ..., rate(s). And according to the information IPS was provided with, the high rate or toll is extremely because of new weapons being used by Israel, and of the type that BUST UP refugee bomb shelters, which the IDF has rather directly bombed and also rather DELIBERATELY. After all, Israel knows what these facilities are used for.

And these weapons are sold to Israel by the USA, including the shelter busters, as well as Israel employing white phospherous, the substance that acts very similar to, or simply today's new version of NAPALM.

Additionally, the International Committee of the Red Cross is NOT HELPING AT ALL!! The Lebanese Red Cross is said to be doing ALL it can to help, but the Lebanese right now NEED the aid of the ICRC!!!

"Dahr Jamail: Bombings Hit Children Hardest", IPS, July 24, 2006, (CD from now on)

And, GUESS WHAT else there is for complementary news!

"US Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for Israelis", by David S. Cloud & Helene Cooper, NYT, July 22, 2006,

Readers should also be very interested in the following news.

"Robert Fisk: Israelis Bomb Fleeing Villagers" (LITERALLY, deliberatelly with full knowledge!!), July 24, 2006, (CP from now on)

"Willful Fantasies and Reality in Today's M. E. Conflict", by James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute, AAI, a or the politcal and policy research arm for the Arab American community, Huffington Post, July 22, 2006,

"Alexander Cockburn: Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need to Know: A perilous excusion into the distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago", July 21 2006,

"Robert Fisk: From My Home, I Saw What 'War on Terrorism' Meant" (ain't no war of T., but OF), July 15, 2006,

And a little extra:

"Reporter 'Plants Bomb' on Nuke Train", by Tom Parry, Mirror/UK, July 24, 2006, (Quite a FITTING name for the website of Alex Jones, or perhaps him and Paul Joseph Watson, who at least posts there regularly.)


"Dahr Jamail: War Savages Everything", July 22, 2006, (CD from now on; and article's about the situations in both Lebanon and Iraq)

Israel reining hell on ALL of Lebanon (while so far barely touching Hizbollah, the claimed Israeli target; Israel LIES as USUAL, again)

"Dahr Jamail: Refugees Fleeing Beirut Speak of Catastrophic Bombing", via IPS, July 14, 2006,

CHECK his website, for which he usually provides a link.

"Dahr Jamail: Leb. Tremors Rock Syria", via, July 14, 2006,

"Dahr Jamail: 'This is Going to Be A Big War'", via DJ's (his) own site, July 14, 2006, (basically about the whole M.E. situation, but based on the Israeli ... on Lebanon)

"Robert Fisk: Israelis Bomb Fleeing Villagers", July 24, 2006, (CP from now on)

"Robert Fisk: From My Home, I Saw What 'War on Terrorism' Meant", Independent/UK, (War [of] Terrorism, IMO) July 15, 2006,

"Najla Said: Do People Know How Much We Hurt?" (Lebanese and her father is the unfortunately deceased, and formerly and internationally renowned, and DESERVEDLY SO, EDWARD SAID, whom I learned through this article was Palestinian), July 22, 2006,

"Muhammed Asadi: Contexts and Pretexts: Israel's Leb. Invasion", July 20, 2006, (SaO from now on)

"Ilan Pappe: In Court", London Review of Books, July 20, 2006 issue, LRB (obtained via SaO, and I forget what the article is precisely about, but recall it as being important enough news)

"Reporter asks White House, 'Why don't you want the fighting to stop?'", Raw Story, July 19, 2006, (obtained, likely anyway, via,"> (PP from now on)

"Alex. Cockburn: Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need to Know: A perilous excusion into distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago", July 21, 2006,

"William S. Lind: Why Hezbollah is Winning: This is Not 1982 and Nasrallah Isn't Arafat", July 20, 2006,

MORE, other very fine articles can be found at CP, i.e., CounterPunch, so check when visting; if desiring to check for more anyway.

"Willful Fantasies and Reality in Today's M. E. Conflict", by James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute, AAI, a political and policy research arm for the Arab American community, Huffington Post, July 22, 2006,

"US Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for Israelis", by David S. Cloud and Helene Cooper, NYT, July 22, 2006, (FRIGHTENING AS HELL this news is to me, with the Israeli government and military as HELL BENT as it is, the US, Israel's major military armaments supplier too, well, it's arming it up ever more, and right during a period when Israel should be indicted, ..., and FORCED TO STOP)

It ain't bad enough all the HELL that the US has been reining in or down on Iraq, and on Afghanistan (if you don't think that DU, i.e., depleted uranium, radiation is reining hell on a people, they you ain't read nothing but garbage propaganda about it so far, or nothing at all!!), NOW the US has to, for some HELLISH reason supply Israel with major weapons of DEATH and DESTRUCTION, these damnable missiles are DU-treated types.

"Thousands Flock to Hills, Parks and Schools, But There's No Place Safe from Bombs", Jonathan Steele, Guardian/UK, July 20, 2006,

Iraq situation

"Iraq Parliament Speaker Calls for US Withdrawal", AFP, July 22, 2006,

"Iraqi Death Toll Rises Above 100 Per Day, UN Says", by Kirk Semple, NYT, July 19, 2006,

About the latter, I will stick with Patrick Cockburn's "call" or "take" that the number is likely closer to 150 Iraqi civilians being murdered, ..., EVERY ... (bleeping, damn) DAY. After all, it's been long reported and by very reliable sources that the sources the UN's report is based upon, the Iraqi Ministry of Health and the major morgue in Baghdad, while their numbers are accurate with respect to what they can account for, it still is not fully thorough. There are many Iraqis in place far enough away and with no means of really transporting the dead casualties to either of these places, and MANY o these have gone as uncounted deaths; except in very CAREFUL studies like the one provided via the people behind the report the following article specifically refers to, the one provided via The Lancet.

"FAIR: Action Alert: Counting Iraqi Dead", March 21, 2005, (only NBC's Williams mentioned respected British medical journal The Lancet's report of >= 100,000 Iraqis killed because of this hell bent war on Iraq; while others reported <= 20,000, a majorly INCREDIBLE UNDERCOUNT),

FAIR is the US anti-propaganda and otherwise news error "corrector", Fairnes and Accuracy in Reporting, which is ususally, from what I've read from them, very FINE indeed. However, the above link for the The Lancet's report is provided, here, only because I'm not finding the update from Feb. 2006, and which is what I wanted to provide the link for. It can be easily found with a search engine though, for the sources and researchers are the same. What they reported in Feb. and which I believe to be too close to credible in the context of the kind of war waged on Iraq, well, the number of Iraqi casualties, MOSTLY civilians, noncombatants, it's likely closer to 300,000, albeit that was early 2006; and as the new UN report indicates, there have been at least 14,000 more Iraqis killed since only the START of this year, 2006, just during the first six damn months.

Anyway, the last mentioned piece by Patrick Cockburn is the following one.

"Patrick Cockburn: Over 100 Iraqis being Killed Each Day, Says UN; 3,149 Killed in June Alone: Meanwhile, back in Iraq, Horrifying New Casualty Figures; Break-Up of Iraq Now Inevitable, Say Top Iraqis", July 24, 2006,

Depleted Uranium munitions

If readers are not familiar with the MAJORLY important reporting and research on what DU (Depleted Uranium) munitions cause, then I HIGHLY recommend informing yourselves about this very important and extremely government-censored and -denied (in-credibly and hellishly) topic. Leuren Moret has had some of her article posted here at CMAQ, and another source, which I believe must still carry a lot of this information is the TrapRock Peace Center. (Do a web search on that name if you don't already have the url bookmarked and you should find the link to the homepage rather immediately.)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Another considerably underreported topic is PTSD soldiers, many soldiers (just like there are many enough if not very many soldiers, as well as civilians in US zones of war suffer major affections from DU) suffer from: POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.

"PTSD: Soldiers in distress: Critics say Iowa lacks help for veterans with PTSD. Military says it begs soldiers to sign up for the many services provided", by Jennifer Jacobs, May 21, 2006, (NOT YET READ, but eventually will be; yet, 'Military says ...', never anything truthful, or rather awfully, nightmarishly seldomly) (Des Moines, Iowa)

I tend to stay away from AP on US and UK wars, but believe the following to be likely valid.

"Mom: Stress drove Marine to commit crimes", AP, June 4, 2006,

"Dahr Jamail: Support Our Troops, Anybody?", May 17, 2006 (obtained via SaO, and what I am using this for is with respect to Andres Raya, a 19-yr-old veteran from the Iraq War; having REFUSED to return and then suicided himself via, rather literally via, a gun-fight in the US with police. War affects people involved in the contexts in various ways, and this is another important one or kind!),

"JoAnn Wypijewski: Has Anything Changed at Fort Sill? Return to a Bad Place", May 17, 2006, (a very, very BAD place!! She is not exaggerating!)

WHAT ABOUT sending psycholigically ill and therefore unfit for military service troops to fight in war, eh! How about this! Eh! Eh! Eh! Quite zzz HELLBENT idea, eh!!!

"Help for troops suffering psychiatric problems from war", by Kim Sengupta, May 16, 2006,

"Slipping Through the System: A Courant investigation found that less than 1% of deploying troops receive a mental health evaluation, even though the military admits over 9% have a seroius psychological illness", by Matthew Kauffman and Lisa Chedekel, May 15, 2006, (7 PAGES, and not yet read by myself) (out of Hartford, Connecticut)

Actually, I did read a bit of that article; just not more than two or three pages, i.e., yet; to be finished later on. After all, my main focus is to gain as broad of an understand of ALL that is going on and which is entailed in all of this hellbent warring; not to necessarily read absolutely every word ever written on topics.

"Mentally Ill Troops Reportedly Forced Into Combat: Excerpt of or from Hartford Courant article", May 14, 2006, (this part of the Courant's piece I definitely read anyway)

Whoops, bit more.

"A Matter of Conscience: GI Resistance During Vietnam War: A photographic/oral history project by William Short and Willa Seidenberg (obtained via SirNoSir! (.com))

I'm not sure about some of the resources provides links for, but I recommend checking out this documentary about US soldiers DISSENTING during the Vietnam War and in Vietnam. This is said to have been CENSORED until rather RECENTLY, if not very recently.

Following is another strong example of war-time CENSORSHIP, despicably, ..., so.

"Casket Tempest is Revealing", by John Young, Boulder Daily Camera, Colorado, July 22, 2006,

That's about the major CENSORSHIP of the coffins of US troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, when these are returned to the US; and which apparently or definitely does also apply in Canada. No surprise, for, again, Harper is WAR CRIMINAL as of at least the run-up politics for or to this war on Iraq, and quite zzz Canadian Bush poodle, puppet, .... He's made this clearly obvious; not me.

Maybe this kind of story too: "Against Iraq War, Buffalo Veteran Heads to Canada", by Mark Sommer, Buffalo News, NY, June 18, 2006,

Madness-filled and (a) hell-reiner (on earth; certainly on Iraq anyway, and therefore, likely, elsewhere) "General Tommy Franks Shoots His Mouth Off", by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, May 25, 2006,

Do you remember that heinous, hellbent fool's commanding the launch of the war on Iraq? If NOT, then it's a very important "bit" of information to never forget. Very, very SICK, ..., individual he has clearly made himself out to be. Quite a strange character too, because he's founder or co-founder of HRW, but while the relationship doesn't seem to wholly affect HRW's work, not entirely anyway.

OH, OH, bit more.

"This is only to provide URLs to some very important, must read articles", prepared and submitted by myself, March 29, 2006,

In the latter, of particular relevance are the pieces by Alexander Cockburn, the very first one in the above page anyway, and the account provided by Kay Griggs. The other articles for which links are provided in that page are likely also relevant, but these two are the ones I have especially in mind for this posting. And, actually, those are in a follow-up post of mine in that page, and readers will be able to easily recognise which it is; because it's all or mostly links.

And readers will find additional links posted by me in the comment to the following article (there being only one comment and the article being very short, it'll be easy to find my post).

"Is Bush determined to bomb Iran?", April 12, 2006,

Now, truly finally, most of the above websites are very fine news sources. CD is not a news outlet, but rather a portal for articles (news and views) from many different sources, some of which I definitely don't like to bother with, some of which I simply or outright don't like, but also many and very FINE sources. CP is very fine indeed, PP is very fine, but users will find that it is not only its own news, analyses, ..., outlet, but also a portal sort of like CD (just that CD is by far mainly a general portal for news and views from other sources), and I don't, again, bother with BBC articles posted or linked at PP, as well as some other sources; because I am not on a project to perform an evaluation of news sources, only looking for reliable ones. As soon as I learn or detect that a source is bogus, then I tend to USUALLY refrain from bothering with their pieces., I don't know, only having been there once; TruthOut is apparently fine, but rarely used by myself; SaO, I check every day, just as I do for or with CD, CP, PP, (because I'm eclectic in terms of topic interests), (because ..., same as for FT), CMAQ, and ..., am not sure if there's another that I check every day; and TruthDig seems to be a fine source.

A web browser that provides tab functionality is very handy to me.

Of course there are other fine sources; and its sister sites, and so on.

And, IN ANY CASE, consider what these sources say or report and COMPARE to BBC, etc. I'm not sure, but FAIR may have some important information on BBC and which would back up what Henk Ruyssenaars has said on BBC. He is not kidding or exaggerating; but, and again, as previously stated, I do use BBC for pieces of the sort that I get links at FT on; archaeological research, cryptozoology, and so on, being quite eclectic in terms of topic interests; liking to have a general view of what's going on and being said or claimed in this world of OURS. Any other sources providing links to BBC, though, these are USUALLY disregarded by me; not being on an evaluation project .... Plus, after reading a LOT about all of the political and military, warfare HELL that's going on, I do need breaks from this.

OH, Henk Ruyssenaars mentioned that National Geo. and Discovery Channel are also too bogus in their reporting. I'll add that after having become aware of the very BOGUS History Channel docu-drama on the story of (St) Joan of Arc, vs the true story, I also DO NOT bother with HC anymore; it's not trustworthy, and apparently is another channel or information outlet that produces or spews out lies; at least sometimes anyway, and given that it had to have been wittingly done with respect to the story on JoA, this is enough for me to forget about bothering with HC. There is no way that it credibly could have been non-deliberate, IMO; no way. After all, the true story has been long known, albeit not widely.

SORRY for my long-windedness, but figured to provide en masse for people to refer to for "starters".

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

Dual-citizen, US and Ca, CEGEP in pure and applied sciences, B.Sc. major in computer science, with a minor in business adm., and roughly ten years of professional IT/IS (computer, systems and applications programming,...



"News Bias in AP", by Peter Phillips, a professor of sociology at Sonoma State U. and Director of Project Censored, July 22, 2006,

People should make themselves aware on AP, too. One other situation, although perhaps it is mentioned by prof. Phillips too, just not recalling if it is, well, is the coup d'etat and war of criminal aggression on Haiti, Feb. 2004 onward, albeit the situation has improved at least somewhat. A couple of sources I employ for this situation are the following., and

Brian Concannon Jr of is Quality in reporting. Excellent work.

There happen to be two new or relatively new articles at HaitiAction too, and which I'll add links for, here.

"New Haiti human rights report: Miami Law school investigates UN 'failures'", July 22, 2006,

That'll provide readers with information that will surely help support what Henk Ruyssenaars says about the UN (if not rather UNSC) and its incredible mad, evil, "peacekeeping" forces. One immediately EVIl aspect of the UNSC is the hellbent VETO privilege that the permanent members of the SC have, and which the SC continually and criminally permits the US to apply; as if criminals are usually granted rights over others in our world, i.e., in general. Another aspect that is evil is that IT IS NOT democratic; if it was, then the SC could not overrule the GA, General Assembly. And from what I've read, the US government is again the most guilty for these criminal aspects of the UNSC, having rendered it from the initial establishment a rather PUPPET of the US, to use and disregard AS IT SO PLEASES to do; it was a US political representative who demanded that the veto privilege be provided, or else threatened that the US definitely would not join; again, from what I've read about the establishment of the UN, but then also from reliable source. I have it bookmarked in some folder, somewhere, but have already provided enough links, which required searching (and this post alone took some hours to produce), so I won't bother looking for this yet other link. The information should be easy enough to find with a search engine, though.

The UNSC rather literally is anti-DEMOCRATIC, in the way that it has been defined and how it operates; CRIMINALLY, yes criminally, literally so, allowing the US to get away with all of its CRIMINAL and hellish vetos. And because of all of this about the UN and or UNSC, it really is very much as what can be learned through sites or producers of sites like PrisonPlanet, f.e.; that is, a set-up for a One World Government. The US is the one with the most power over the UN, because the US is the sole one to apply as MANY vetos as it has, the others having placed relatively few, almost none compared to the US, and while the US' are nearly ALL CRIMINAL in nature.

It sounds a bit conspiracy theory oriented what I just said, but it is NOT. And it is very easy to learn how and why it is not just theory, but very real indeed.

"Busha Blockhead", by John Maxwell, July 16, 2006,

I've not yet read either of the above two pieces on Haiti yet, but am familiar enough with HA to know that it's very if not always reliable, and John Maxwell is a grand journalist and or analyst. People who don't like the contents of this site really need to question THEMSELVES, their reasoning, IMO.

[ ]

Did I say ?
Michael Lessard...
Tue, 2006-07-25 17:16

Did I say "I believe" in the BBC and that it never does propaganda? Nope !

All I am saying is that the BBC's occasional propaganda cannot, in any way, be deemed WORSE than FOX.

EDIT: For example, even CNN's coverage of the current war in the Middle-East (Near-Est) is far more pluralistic than that of FOX.

I am not defending western mass media for crying out loud !
(EDIT: I wouldn't work on Indymedia otherwise)

Worse than FOX ? You don't have a clue.

EDIT: BUT I swear I will read the articles you suggest about the BBC...

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

[ ]

Thank you for your response
Michael Lessard...
Mon, 2006-07-24 21:45

Thanks for your response Mike.

If you want to be disgusted by Fox as I am, I suggest the documentary Outfoxed. Polls showed that US citizens who listen to FOX had a severe tendency to believe outright lies put forth by the US government. For example, believe it or not, FOX viewers thought that the people of the world agreed with the US invasion of Iraq and many thought WMD had been found...

Anyhow, please don't compare any media with FOX, they really are the worse, most untruthful, western mass media.

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

[ ]

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