
Apartheid Israel' worse than apartheid South Africa

libre, Sunday, July 16, 2006 - 15:55


The "apartheid Israel state" is worse than the apartheid that was conducted in South Africa, Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) president Willie Madisha said on Monday.

He said Palestinians were being attacked with heavy machinery and tanks used in war, which had never happened in South Africa.

Cosatu and other organisations supporting Palestine have called on government to end diplomatic relations with Israel and establish boycotts and sanctions such as those against apartheid South Africa.

Israel has launched several attacks on Gaza, bombing its main university and firing missiles that have killed Palestinian bystanders.

This follows the capture of an Israeli soldier by Palestinians.

"We see no justification for this attack," said Palestinian ambassador to South Africa Ali Hamileh.

He said while the whole world was talking about one Israeli soldier, more than 10 000 Palestinians were being kept in Israeli jails.

"My leadership made it clear ... the soldier can be released immediately if Israel responds to mediation. The demand for exchange of prisoners is justified by international law. We are not demanding something unacceptable," he said.

Professor of political science Virginia Tilley said South Africa was one of the only places where a vision had been brought forward to address collective punishment of perceived inferiority.

"I can't imagine a better beacon in that struggle than this country and it has stood back. If there is any moral authority in South Africa, it must come into play now," she said.

Madisha said Israel should be seen as an apartheid state and the same sanctions must be applied that were established against South Africa. -- Sapa


And in this country, is it any moral authority that can come in play now ?


Original report :

Michael Lessard...
Mon, 2006-07-17 01:04


I fixed the link: on the CMAQ, don't include http://, just start with www.

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

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And I thought the Talmud, the incredibly evil ver. anyway, was
Mon, 2006-07-17 23:09


Don't get me wrong, mistaken, because I am NOT anti-Semitic at all and will gladly live among True Jews; f.e., the True Torah Jews we can learn about via "True Torah Jews Against Zionism", for which the url is the following.

NOTE that I'm barely familiar with the contents of that website, the above and whatever I may say below on it being only based on the little but nevertheless greatly welcome material I read there a couple of years ago. Am assuming that that part hasn't been "damaged", corrupted, and that much of their additional content must surely be sound; just that I can't vouch for what I haven't read or seen. And what I did read about there is wherein they expose that rich Jews helped Hitler and the Nazis to holocaust around 6mn innocent Jews, among the many other peoples massacred by that regime. Such rich Jews, who clearly are not of the True Torah nature, they were approached, because it was known or discerned some years in advance that the Holocaust was surely going to be carried out; and at least some of the rich Jews knew about this. They ATROCIOUSLY rejected all requests for assistance, which had the aim of trying to get a lot or all of the innocent Jews who were Holocausted out and to safe areas, before they would be Holocausted. I doubt very much that these True Torah Jews lie in this; it must indeed be true, and simply but disgustingly denied, refuted without countering evidence of any worthy kind, and so on.

Anyone who is sound, honest, not out committing injustices against others, ..., any such people are welcome to be neighbours of mine. But not Talmudic Jews, not those of the wicked, wickedly selfish, narcissistic, hypocritical, ... kind of Talmudic believers and followers anyway; definitely not anyone like them, regardless of the religions they purport to be members of.

Don't ask me expert answers in terms of, f.e., "are there really two different versions of the Talmud, and if there are, is the obviously wicked, evil-natured one used by anyone?". I don't know the answers to such questions; only being able to say that on the www, two versions can indeed be found, one that is not extremely wicked, although I'd never use it, except to find out how people nevertheless devise weird religious rules; and the evil-natured one.

It is from the very latter that I learned that some people who call themselves Jewish but who clearly, obviously are not true Jews, not abiding to the Torah, well, that the life of one of them is worth more than 1,000 Arabs, or Christians, or ..., so on.

NOW, we learn that 1 Israeli soldier's life is worth as much as if not more than the lives of 10,000 INNOCENT Palestinians; and that soldier most certainly is NOT innocent, because it is very obvious that the Israeli government's extreme HYPOCRISY and hegemony on Palestinians, Lebanese, and ..., historians would have to fill in the rest of the affected countries; and then the hellish massacring, destruction of entire homes and apartment complexes just because one or two of the occupants is sought by Israel, etc.; well, that soldier, while the same applies to ALL Israeli soldiers carrying out IDF missions and CRIMES against humanity, he is NOT innocent. It is NOT credible that they could be so extremely BLIND. After all, they're the ones carrying out the dirtiest work of all, being immediate and fully-knowledgeable witnesses; there being NO WAY that they could be in anything less than full knowledge of the extreme crimes [they] accept as orders and [carry out] for their hellishly oriented government.

1 Israeli soldier's life is clearly worth 10,000 Palestinian lives, that is, for the Israeli government; and all of its protective and buttressing allies.

Unfortunately, the UNSC is, imho (in my humble opinion), extremely GUILTY for allowing the USA to VETO every resolution that the SC comes up with in order to try to bring an end to the hell reined in on Palestine, Lebanon, and surely others, BY ISRAEL.

What a state to be so extremely HELLBENT; after all, Israel, Biblically, O.T.-wise anyway, represents the Holy Land; and they are making themselves the UNHOLIEST people on Earth. Sure the USA is worse with regards to GLOBALLY, affecting a greater proportion of the world, but in this evil work of Israel is the hidden (not very hidden to people who inform themselves of what's going on in the world, but 'hidden' is fitting enough anyway), well, the hidden hand of the US government; and that in turn is VERY manipulated by and because of Israel. Ya know, the major Israeli lobby in the US (and perhaps its counterpart in Ca), and its major pals, like Irving Kristol, his son, Henry Kissinger, surely others, and I would also say, surely VP Cheney, Sec. of Defence Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and plenty of others in powerfully influential positions in the US.

Haven't yet verified this bit of news, and would not be surprised if it's been extremely censored, but a couple or few months ago, I read that US VP Cheney and US Sec. of Defence Rumsfeld have somehow become Christians, "Christianised" by some awfully sick US Christian minister of some asinine US faux-Christian church; the minister clearly NOT caring at all about contibuting to the continuing destruction of the image or reputation of Christianity, and that in terms of not only the ordinary but honest human members, but and especially with respect to the Founder, the Teacher, the Highest Priest of it, ..., Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Not some but rather many Christian ministers are awfully atrocious with or in their extremely negligent and heinously, Judas Iscariot-like treatment of the very faith they're supposed to Truly represent, but refuse to do so; because money and power talk, and they CHOOSE to prefer to Judas Iscariot-like leave it to mostly Jesus being capable of rejecting Satan's offer(s), not themselves, who are to profit and live lavishly, ..., from and in this world.

Such "ministers" in Christianity should be able to do well by learning from the far greater representative priests of Christianity and who forbade access the the topmost Christian church in the world, the one in Jerusalem, having forbade access to Bush, Blair, Rice, and possibly some of the other officials related this bunch of hooligans, and around a month or so following the not commencement (spring 2002 that was) but the official launch of this war on Iraq, March 19-20 2003; or maybe it was the following year. It's either in Spring 2003 or 2004 that this happened, when these hooligans of the world were FORBIDDEN any right or privilege to enter that church, which is guarded by, and if I recall the pair's source churches, priests from an Orthodox Church, perhaps that of Russia, and I believe the R(oman) CC. They were not going to allow access to these hooligans and frankly told them why; because of their hellbent war of aggression on Iraq, at least this one anyway, if not also the war of also criminal aggression on Afghanistan, and or the war coup d'etat on Haiti. I believe the words were only about the war on Iraq, though.

Anyway, bla bla, the latter stretched out longer than what was initially in mind, and which is that those two switching over from being Jews (obviously not of the True Torah type!), which they were at least in 2000, to Christian, it SMACKS of the odours still lingering in the atmosphere from their past role model, Adolph Hitler. He too was born and raised Jewish (also obviously not a True Torah type!) and switched (at least in appearance) to Christianity, that time via the RCC if I'm not mistaken, ... I can't say much more on it than that, for I have not researched for precisely when the switch happened, in what year, "was it many before he launched his hellishness on humanity, or shortly before?", ..., f.e.

Just a peculiar SIMILARITY in the latter matter, as it seems to me anyway. Why would Jewish Cheney and Rumsfeld, who most definitely are NOT Christians at all, why would they perform this switch, and in the process "buy off" or away the loyalty the minister is supposed to instead have towards Christ; but who could not hold out against Satanic temptations the way Christ could and DID. Why would they switch like this?

I speculate here, but it seems to correspond a lot with the fact that a lot of intense "heat" had developed against the Israeli lobby (also and very clearly not True Torah types!) in the US, etc.; and all that's related to their secret workings on the US government.

And it leads to saying that while it is HORRIFIC what is being done to Palestinians and Lebanese peoples, it is, very unfortunately so too, not surprising when it's the above kind of characters and faux-Jews behind it all.

So, closing this post of mine off:

The UNSC has some very serious GROWING UP TO DO! It has NO legitimate authority to continually allow the US to veto NECESSARY resolutions; allowing that being to be COMPLICIT, rather than innocent, imho. After all, they unquestionably, definitely DO KNOW WHAT THE LAWS and CONVENTIONS ARE, so there is NO excusability in them atrociously allowing these hellish vetos, which, in and of themselves, their very nature, immediately are CRIMINAL, criminally planned, ..., acts. By "blessing" the vetos as valid, the UNSC is wholly GUILTY of extreme CRIME against HUMANITY!!!

There y'a go, for my 2 cents worth of say.

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

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