Support for the Palestinian people of Gaza!Michael Lessard..., Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 22:53 2006-07-14 11:00 2006-07-14 12:00 North-west corner of Peel and Rene-Levesque, DEMONSTRATION!! Show your support for the Palestinian people of Gaza! Express your out rage against the Israeli military invasion :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --> Featuring speakers, music, and recorded statements from Palestine and the middle east As the brutal Israeli military invasion continues into the Gaza strip and has started in southern Lebanon, people in Montreal will take to the streets to demand that Israel end its attacks and end the occupation. Since this invasion, grotesquely named 'Operation Summer Rain', began on June 28, scores of Palestinian men, women, and children have been killed in attacks on major cities such as Gaza and Khan Younis. Civilian infrastructure such as power stations has been targeted in Israeli air raids, and now the Gaza strip, which is home to over 1.3 million Palestinians, is on the brink of a major humanitarian crisis. Much of the Strip is without electricity, food. There is no more fuel, and clean drinking water will soon be in shortage. Canada continues to be complicit in this attack, failing to condemn Israel's action. Last week, Canada voted against a UN Human Rights Council resolution to condemn Israel's actions in the Gaza strip. Terry Cormier, Canada.s representative to that council, said, "this draft resolution focuses almost entirely on Israel while ignoring that party's legitimate security concerns." This invasion of the Gaza Strip have nothing to do with Israel.s security. There can be no justice, no security for anyone, until the occupation ends. Canada must condemn Israeli war crimes, restore the financial aid it cut to the Palestinian people, and end its support for the Israeli apartheid regime. We demand that Israel immediately halt their invasion, and that all Palestinian political prisoners be released. The time for action is now! -- This demonstration has been called by For more info, contact |
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