Indymedia NewsBlast - World Peace Forum 2006 - VancouverAnonyme, Tuesday, June 27, 2006 - 14:14
World Peace Forum
Indymedia coverage for June 23-26 *** LABOUR PEACE FORUM CALLS FOR CANADIAN WITHDRAWAL FROM AFGHANISTAN *** Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/815 *** REPORT OF LABOUR PEACE FORUM *** Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/834 *** WORLD PEACE FORUM FIRST NATIONS PLENARY TO FOCUS ON COMMUNITY, FROM THE FAMILY, TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD, TO THE WORLD *** Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/816 *** MAKE 2010 OLYMPICS PEACE GAMES, SAYS OLYMPIC MEDALIST SILKEN LAUMANN *** Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/817 *** LES MAIRES S'OPPOSENT AUX DÉPENSES MILITAIRES AMÉRICAINES *** Full story: http://www.worldpeaceforum.ca/live/media/french2 *** 世界平和フォーラム開幕 *** �?�?ンクー�?ー(カナダ)�?鎌塚由美】「戦争をや�?�?平和・公正・�?続�?�能�?�社会を�?��??�?�?��?�?��?�??七カ国�?�ら三�?�人を超�?�る市民�?��?�加�?�る世界平和フォーラム�?�二�??三日�?カナダ�?��?ンクー�?ー�?�開幕�?��?��?��?�。 Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/813 *** CUBAN DELEGATION TO PEACE FORUM CALLS FOR END TO TORTURE IN GUANTANAMO AND IRAQ *** Orlando Fundora, Cuban president of the World Peace Council, is calling for an end to state-sponsored torture in Guantanamo and in Iraq, and is asking all governments to abide by the UN Convention against Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/792 *** WORLD PEACE FORUM HIGHLIGHTS ROLE OF CANADA AND UN IN PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS *** Former cabinet member, Officer of the Order of Canada, and President of the World Federalist Movement, the Hon. Warren Allmand, praised the World Peace Forum today for focussing on human rights. Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/794 *** YOUTH HEAR JAPANESE A-BOMB SURVIVORS AT WORLD PEACE FORUM *** Upon first glance it would be difficult to imagine they have much in common besides nationhood. Her youth and calm stand out in contrast to his weathered face and quivering voice. But 23-year-old Hibiki Ouchi and 77-year-old Sumiteru Taniguchi, who is speaking to a crowd of about 40 onlookers on a small patch of grass outside the Student Union Building at the University of British Columbia, have both flown to Vancouver from Japan as part of a group of people united in their resolve to end nuclear armament... Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/799 *** ONE DREAM CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING *** Departments of Peace around the world look to powerful leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. as inspiration, inspiring people and nations around the world to work together to promote prevention, education, and new alternatives for the resolution of armed conflict. Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/797 *** LATIN AMERICAN PLENARY HEARS OF TRAGEDIES CAUSED BY WAR *** At 4:30 in the morning, Fabiana Garcia grabbed her family and left her childhood home and ran up a mountain. Nearly 12 hours later, she looked down the mountain and saw her home in flames, destroyed by the invaders of her village. Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/796 *** PEACE FORUM CONCERT SPOTLIGHTS LANDMINE THREAT *** It was a wild success. Legendary Canadian singer and songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie and Somali born hip-hop artist K'Naan drew a crowd of over 2,000 to Vancouver's Orpheum Theatre last night for a benefit concert for the Canadian Landmine Foundation's 2020 Campaign to eradicate the antipersonnel explosive devices that kill and maim more than 10,000 civilians a year... Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=en/node/785 *** WORLD PEACE FORUM OPENS WITH CALL TO "FORGE WEAPONS OF MASS CIVILITY." *** More than 1500 delegates and guests packed Vancouver's Orpheum Theatre for the opening of the World Peace Forum. The theme of the Forum, is cities and communities working together to end war and build a peaceful, just and sustainable world... Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=node/781 *** MAYORS SPEAK OUT AGAINST U.S. MILITARY SPENDING *** At the Opening Plenary of the World Peace Forum today, American mayors spoke against the ever increasing U.S. military budget... Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=node/776 *** OPENING PLENARY OF THE WORLD PEACE FORUM HEARS CALL FOR "NO MORE HIROSHIMAS!!" *** "No more Hiroshimas! No more Nagasakis! No more Hibakusha! NO MORE WAR!" That was how Ono Reiko of the Japanese Confederation of A- and H-Bombs Survivors' Organization concluded an emotional address at the Opening Plenary of the World Peace Forum in Vancouver... Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=node/777 *** THOUSANDS MARCH TO OPEN PEACE FORUM IN VANCOUVER *** Close to 10,000 Vancouverites marched under a scorching summer sun to mark the opening of the 2006 World Peace Forum... Full story: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/?q=node/779 For more World Peace Forum Indymedia coverage see: For more information: World Peace Forum, 1-604-822-1173, www.worldpeaceforum.ca
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