
Gore, Kennedy & Fisher to discuss evidence

Anonyme, Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - 17:42

Jeff Fisher

Gore/Kennedy/Fisher = Troop Withdrawal

Early this morning I called the following number,
866-389-3473, that is the number to Robert Kennedy,
Mr. Kennedy asked in" Rolling Stones Magazine"
if anyone had evidence of election fraud to call him.

Well I have done that and finally reached his office.
I communicated with Mr. Cousins via an interesting
set of e-mails regarding the information.

Well as of this moment I bring your attention
to the fact that Mr. Cousins knows I will
release the e-mails unless I speak with
Robert Kennedy in person in Washington D.C.
in three weeks time with Albert Arnold Gore Jr.
as a witness for American democracy.

My concern is that Albert Arnold Gore Jr. deserves
his rightful place as President of the United States of America.


That truth is based upon what I had obtained
and learned of on July 27, 2004 in Kendall,
Florida while I was campaigning for the United
States House of Representatives. For the
record I ran under the Democratic ticket. I
however am not your ordinary democrat. I
ran under the title of being a Constitutional
Progressive Liberal Democrat.

You see evidence is based on e-mails dating
as far back as 1996, 1997 and 1998 and I
have every reason to believe that the election results
were tampered with not only in 2000 but also in 2002
and in the last election of 2004. The information I am
providing is proof of a well thought out plan to alter
the election results

Election Fraud
National Whistleblower Hotline

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