
Military Corporate Fascism (Military Corporatism) and the fall of the USA from world dominance.

Anonyme, Tuesday, June 20, 2006 - 03:04


Corporate Capitalism is run by SATAN through the use of WAR.
Satan loves a bomb. Collateral damage is his term.
Military Corporate Capitalism is Godless.

CALL TO ACTION: OCTOBER 5th, (through 8th), 2006,

The truth will set you free.

It is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle, than a rich man into heaven. (But not impossible.)

Corporate Capitalism is run by SATAN through the use of WAR.
This is a fundamentally correct statement and those that are fundamental or extremist in their beliefs will be afraid of its truth. The fundamentalist and extremist are ruled by fear; this is a major connection to Satan’s dominance in Military Corporate Capitalism. (Military Corporate Capitalism is run by the little devil in all of US, and supported through the military procurement of resources, - often by other Corporate Capitalistic regimes that use military strength to steal it from their people. These types of governments are being overthrown through elections of peasant natives, uprisings, and revolutions.)
Satan has taken on a life of his own through Corporate Capitalism and WAR. As long as the fundamentalist ignores and denies the little devil in them - and what it is creating, the more power it is giving Satan through WAR, death and destruction, and the shock and awe it creates when babies and small children are blown up. Satan loves a bomb. Collateral damage is his term.

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Corporate Capitalism is the refuge of Satan.

Fundamentalists and extremists are in power; it is the nature of human control.
Until the fundamentalist and extremist realize there is no GOD in corporate capitalism, and it is owned by Satan, they will keep fighting for it and investing in it. To deny the evil in corporate capitalism is easy, and that is exactly what Satan wants. The truth is known by all, and GOD will punish the non-believer, for denying themselves truth and therefore GOD; - and giving existence to Satan.

Satan’s worldwide WAR costs have ballooned over the last decade.
US trade deficits have been artificially held down by militaristic corporate ownership of many resources in third world countries (developing countries). These countries are now rebelling and re-possessing their natural resources and their distribution in the world market. This is why corporate capitalism and Satan are on edge. I see this “trend

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