
CIA Terror Flights: US collaborators in 14 European countries lied

forpressfound, Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 05:45

Henk Ruyssenaars

Bush said: 'We do not torture', but today an EU investigation is accusing 14 European governments of crimes against humanity. Proving they criminally collaborate with the US Gulag program of secret jails and torture. All have known about the CIA torture flights.

FPF - Amsterdam - June 7th 2006 - Asked in British Parliament last December concerning Amnesty International's reports of at least 400 CIA torture flights flights passing through British airports, UK Prime minister Tony Blair said: "In respect of airports, I don't know what you are referring to." Dutch PM Balkenende when asked in parliament like all other EU stooges lied - and keeps lying - the same way.

The same PM however takes part in a so called 'government' hypocritically calling itself 'christian', but which permanently has been lying about it's complicity in the US terror flights and global genocide. There are tons of evidence concerning the EU top's punishable complicity in all the war crimes, more is presented today, and in the wings wait the war crime tribunals.

An EU investigation is expected to accuse 14 countries in Europe of being criminally involved in the CIA program of rendition, terror and secret detention of terrorist suspects. According to 'The Telegraph' (UK): ''Swiss senator Dick Marty will describe what he calls a "spider's web" of rendition flights which has enveloped Europe, according to reports.''

Even if this news is played down - underreported - as much as is possible, it is a fact that all US collaborators in 14 European countries lied. They - without shame, humane understanding nor compassion - keep lying to the people who pay them: the taxpayers which employ them. Those 'dirty and musty gamers' all have known about those crimes - at least since the European Union's Athens meeting on January 22, 2003.

But cowardly - and contrary to their duty as our, and by us paid representatives - they all kept silent concerning the atrocities after talks with the US delegation headed by a justice department official. Our personal which clearly neglects it's duty and has no respect for human rights, should be fired and be tried in court for their war crimes. Like all propaganda press people, formerly known as 'journalists'. Without their crimninal collaboration nonen of these crimes ever would have been possible. They are among the worst criminals, and should be judged as such.


According to The Telegraph: ''EU officials confirmed that a full account was circulated to all member governments, and would have been sent to the Home Office.'' - They were all informed and they all lied to us who pay them. The document, entitled: 'New Transatlantic Agenda, EU-US meeting on Justice and Home Affairs' details the subjects discussed by the 31 people present. The agenda included the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and extradition agreements. They all knew and shut up about those crimes against humanity.

The Amnesty International reports on the inhuman US warfare and the spreading american Gulag* was suppressed as much as was possible too. The usual pundits - the prompter propagandists - were misinforming about the 'liberation of Iraq and Afghanistan', where everybody was oh so happy! with the occupiers, excuse me: liberators. But in Afghanistan for instance, according to AFP eighty percent (80%) supports the resistance and fights the ocupiers. - []

But last night even one of the worst propaganda sewers right now, the BBC, in it's Newsnight program couldn't get around it, and had to confirm that the UK was implicated as a collaborating "stop-off point" for torture flights.

EU investigator Marty said something which surprised nobody: ''My efforts were hindered by a lack of co-operation by EU governments''. Mr. Marty's investigation by the way ran parallel to a probe by the European Parliament, which had the data from Eurocontrol at it's disposal, the EU's air traffic agency, showing there have been more than 1000 clandestine CIA terror flights stopping on European territory since the 'false flag' September 11 attacks in the US, the by the PNAC pack orchestrated 'New Pearl Harbor'.*

Last April, a report published by the human rights group Amnesty International also found more than 1000 flights linked to the CIA and the US's "murky system of captures, transfers and secret detention" of terror suspects. Global locations include Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, [Poland, Rumania] and Guantanamo Bay - [endquotes]


In December last year one could read in the Telegraph: ''The European Union secretly allowed the United States to use transit facilities on European soil to transport 'criminals' in 2003, according to a previously unpublished document.

The revelation contradicts repeated EU denials that it knew of "rendition" flights by the CIA. The EU agreed to give America access to facilities - presumably airports - in confidential talks in Athens during which the war on terror was discussed, the original minutes show.


The minutes of the Athens meeting on January 22, 2003, were written by the then Greek presidency of the EU after the talks with a US delegation headed by a justice department official. EU officials confirmed that a full account was circulated to all member governments, and would have been sent to the Home Office.

The document, entitled 'New Transatlantic Agenda, EU-US meeting on Justice and Home Affairs', details the subjects discussed by the 31 people present. The agenda included the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and extradition agreements.

In the full version it says: "Both sides agreed on areas where co-operation could be improved [inter alia] the exchange of data between border management services, increased use of European transit facilities to support the return of criminal/ inadmissible aliens, co-ordination with regard to false documents training and improving the co-operation in removals."

But this section, and others referring to US policy, were deleted - as a "courtesy" to Washington, according to a spokesman for the EU Council of Ministers.


It is from a human point of view absolutely unbelievable, but a certain group in 'Washington' has been angered by the growing EU people's protests about the torture flights and abuse of illegally kidnapped people. John 'Bellicose' Bellinger, senior legal adviser, spin spouter and liar for the US State Department, said on BBC radio:

"Some of the allegations more broadly about all sorts of things are ludicrous. These allegations that we have these activities going on in the hundreds over Europe, and that we are going to take people off to be mistreated, are simply untrue."


Foreign Press Foundation
Amnesty International US Gulag report

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