May 21: Anti-Racism DemonstrationLa Nota Comunista, Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 12:28 2006-05-21 17:30 2006-05-21 23:00 --- Kabataang Montreal Anti-Racism Demonstration On Sunday, May 21st, Kabataang Montreal (Filipino Youth Organization of Montreal) will host an anti-racism demonstration in light of the incident which took place at �cole Lalande in which a 7-year-old Filipino boy was Please join us as we call for an end to systemic racism and equal rights to quality education. Meeting point will be Shaad, Victoria and Van Horne (Metro Plamondon) on Sunday, May 21st, at 5:30pm. For more information, contact Roderick Carreon at (514)803-9046 The Cagadoc family has received legal warnings, harrassment from school officials, and denial of racism from the Marguerite Boyes school board since the punitive treatment of seven year old Luc Cagadoc for eating with a spoon and fork exposed the systemic racism internationally. For years, Filipino youth across the country have been experiencing all forms of racism within the educational system: racist graffiti in school buildings, harrassment, racial violence, lack of education accreditation, However, the closed door treatment of the school board is intolerable and we demand an open community meeting with the school board. Now is the time for communities of colour to unite against racism! RESIST ALL FORMS OF RACISM!
Kabataang Montreal <kabataang_montreal@yahoo.ca>
--- Kabataang Montreal Anti-Racism Demonstration On Sunday, May 21st, Kabataang Montreal (Filipino Youth Organization of Montreal) will host an anti-racism demonstration in light of the incident which took place at �cole Lalande in which a 7-year-old Filipino boy was Please join us as we call for an end to systemic racism and equal rights to quality education. Meeting point will be Shaad, Victoria and Van Horne (Metro Plamondon) on Sunday, May 21st, at 5:30pm. For more information, contact Roderick Carreon at (514)803-9046 The Cagadoc family has received legal warnings, harrassment from school officials, and denial of racism from the Marguerite Boyes school board since the punitive treatment of seven year old Luc Cagadoc for eating with a spoon and fork exposed the systemic racism internationally. For years, Filipino youth across the country have been experiencing all forms of racism within the educational system: racist graffiti in school buildings, harrassment, racial violence, lack of education accreditation, and violent threats. However, the closed door treatment of the school board is intolerable and we demand an open community meeting with the school board. Now is the time for communities of colour to unite against racism! RESIST ALL FORMS OF RACISM! |
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