Remembering the Spanish Civil War : Anarchist Veteran George Sossenko SpeaksAnonyme, Thursday, May 11, 2006 - 10:23
70 years after the legendary revolutionary struggle that took place in Spain in the late 30’s, George Sossenko, a veteran of the anarchist militias in the Spanish Civil War, will present his historical experience as a member of the International Brigades and the Durruti Column and will analyze the enormous challenges that occurred in the fight against fascism in the context of a social revolution. In Québec City : Mardi le 16 mai 2006 à 19h00 In Montreal : Thursday May 18th, 6:30 pm In 1936 the people of Spain rose up to resist a military coup, part of a larger wave of fascism spreading across Europe. Militants of the CNT, Spain’s largest labour Union, openly espousing the ideas of anarchism, organized popular militias to both defeat the fascists and to radically transform their country. Commemorate the Struggle against Fascism and the 70th anniversary of the Spanish Civil war with Anarchist Veteran George Sossenko. Seating may be limited. Organized as part of the Festival of Anarchy. |
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