
OAS admits to send emissaries to follow electoral process in Brazil.

Anonyme, Saturday, May 6, 2006 - 09:00

Emilio de Lima

A commission of parliamentarians of the candidate of the PMDB to the Presidency, Anthony Garotinho, delivered in this friday (5/5), in Washington, document asking for observers of the Organization of American States (OAS), to follow the electoral process in Brazil, as desires Garotinho.

OAS admits to send emissaries to follow electoral process in Brazil.

A commission of parliamentarians of the candidate of the PMDB to the Presidency, Anthony Garotinho, delivered in this friday (5/5), in Washington, document asking for observers of the Organization of American States (OAS), to follow the electoral process in Brazil, as desires Garotinho.

The commission was received by the secretary of Particular Subjects of the OAS, the Argentine former-minister Capputo Tooth.
He admitted that he will be able to send emissaries, but that before he would take the subject to members of the organism, over all with the president of the OAS, Jose Miguel Musso.
All the documentation delivered by Brazilian parliamentarians will be examined for technichal and politics analysis.
In this Saturday (6/5), them parliamentarians will be received by the secretary from the Jimmy Carter Foundation, Shelleye McConnell. The group is formed by the members of the house of representatives Leonardo Picciani (PMDB-RJ), Alexander Saints (PMDB-RJ), Heleno Doctor (PSC-RJ) and Carlos William (PTC-MG).
The former-governor and candidate of the PMDB to the Presidency of the Republic, Anthony Garotinho, has been in strike of hunger in the headquarters of the Regional Directory of the PMDB, since sunday (day 30), and have received many visits and supports, between which of senator Mão Santa (PMDB/PI).
The group justified the trip to Rio de Janeiro, affirming that it came to make one appeal so that Garotinho locks up the strike of hunger in time to participate of the national convention convoked by the Executive of the party, marked next day May the 13th.
The governor of Sergipe, João Alves, also visited Garotinho and prevented to make declaration. "We are here not only for revealing our support to the former-governor, as also to make one appeal so that he finishes with the hunger strike. He needs to be strong during the convention of 13th, summarized the representative Pedro Ribeiro (PMDB/CE). Of the group that travelled to the River they are part still the representatives Hidekazu Takayama (PMDB/PR); Gilbert Nascimento (PMDB/SP); Carlos Ferreira (PSC/MA) and Leonardo Picciane (PMDB/RJ).
The group has been with the former-governor for 20 minutes. According to Pedro Ribeiro, Garotinho little spoke. When answering a question formulated for a reporter, the member of the house of representatives Leonardo Picciane affirmed that possibility of Garotinho does not exist to come to dispute the presidential election as vice of Lula. "the most remote possibility of this does not exist to occur", guaranteed.
The proposal to lock up with the hunger strike was legalized by them parliamentarians in document delivered to the former-governor. Garotinho thanked the manifestation of support and said that he will go to wait uncurling of the events.
The Special Parliamentarian Commission that supports the candidacy of the former-governor of the Rio de Janeiro still travels today (4/5) for Wasghington D.C., in order to deliver to the Organization of American Estados (OAS) document in which the Regional Directory of the PMDB requests the presence of observers of the organism during the Brazilian electoral process. Parliamentarians will still visit them. The following parliamentarians integrate the group: Leonardo Picciani (PMDB/RJ), Carlos William (PTC/MG), Dr. Heleno (PSC/RJ) and Alexandre Santos(PMDB/RJ).

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