Montreal 1st Anarchist Theatre Festival, May 2006Lucho Luchando, Sunday, April 30, 2006 - 10:28 (Communiqués | Culture) North America'sfirst ever festival of anarchist theatre, the 'Montréal AnarchistTheatre Festival' runs May 8 -9, 2006, at the SalaRossa, 4848 boul St-Laurent, 7:30pm, and May 24-25,7:30pm, at UQAM ( J-M400, Foyer studio théâtreAlfred-Laliberté, Judith-Jasmin 405, rue Sainte-CatherineEst). Tickets are $10 employed; $5 students andunemployed. Montréal Anarchist Theatre Festival North America'sfirst ever festival of anarchist theatre, the 'Montréal AnarchistTheatre Festival' runs May 8 -9, 2006, at the SalaRossa, 4848 boul St-Laurent, 7:30pm, and May 24-25,7:30pm, at UQAM ( J-M400, Foyer studio théâtreAlfred-Laliberté, Judith-Jasmin 405, rue Sainte-CatherineEst). Tickets are $10 employed; $5 students andunemployed. The bilingualfestival will feature ten plays from Canada and the USA involvingabout 50 actors, including the internationally renowned Bread andPuppet Theatre from Vermont. The plays include 'Street Theatre' byBread & Puppet Theatre; 'The Red Emma Project' a bilingualadaptation of the play by the noted American historian, HowardZinn; 'The Haymarket Affair,' by the Californian author , L.M.Bogad, 'Lacrymos : Have you ever cried for political reasons?' byMontréal author, Francis Dupis-Deri, and 'Overdale,' byNorman Nawrocki. The four nights of readings and productions range in length,theme, and style, but all are either written by anarchist writers, orwith anarchist content. Each will present either anti-State,anti-capitalist, anti-sexist, anti-Empire, or anti-authoritarianpositions. North America'sfirst ever festival of anarchist theatre, the event ispart of Montreal's annual 'Festival of Anarchy' that leads upto the city's 7th annual Anarchist Bookfair, May 20 and 21,2006 - the largest anarchist event on the continent. LE«FESTIVAL DE THÉÂTRE ANARCHISTE DE MONTRÉAL 2006» HORAIRE LUNDI 8 MAI / MON MAY 8 MARDI9 MAI / TUES MAY 9 MERCREDI ET JEUDI. 24 ET 25 MAI / WED &THURS, MAY 24 & 25 |
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