
The Tail that Wags the Dog: Israel Lobby and York University Exposed

Anonyme, Friday, March 24, 2006 - 16:49


Professor David Noble argued that the presence of prominent Israel lobbyists and fundraisers on the board of the York University Foundation might help us to explain the repressive actions taken by the York administration against Palestinian support activities and activists. The attached fax, part of a smear campaign against Noble, appears to confirm his suspicions.

TALIA KLEIN, TILLY SHAMES, ZAC KAYE, LANCE DAVIS. None of these people are students, faculty, staff or employees of York University, yet, it seems, they have more influence upon the actions of York University officials than any bona fide member of the York community. All of them are on the payroll of Canada’s Israel lobby, under the auspices of the United Israel Appeal Federation (UIA), the United Jewish Appeal Federation (UJA), and the umbrella Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA). (Shames is the director of Israel Affairs of Hillel of Greater Toronto, a UJA subsidiary, where Klein is also on staff and Kaye is Executive Director; Davis directs the National Jewish Campus Life for UIA, created by CIJA.)

In November 2004, for example, it appears that these people initiated and orchestrated a smear campaign against York professor David Noble. Noble’s offence? He had suggested in the first part of The Tail That Wags the Dog that the presence of prominent Israel lobbyists and fundraisers on the board of the York University Foundation might help us to explain the repressive actions taken by the York administration against Palestinian support activities and activists. (His analysis is elaborated in “Israel Lobby Loses York,

Hillel Press Release.jpg0 bytes

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