
Anarkologik / Anarchocommunalism - A One Page Platform (in arial 8pt -MS Word)

Jason Edwards, Monday, March 13, 2006 - 14:48


Liberty; freedom from all forms of domination and tyranny, hierarchies, class exploitation and oppression, through freedom of speech and association, popular education, self-organization, civil disobedience, effective creative resistance, boycott and direct action with synchronization and tactical coordination when necessary, to attain universal social and ecological justice, equality and maybe electoral defeat/victory through an ecosocialist and/or ecofeminist political block.

Solidarity; rational tolerance, social equality, voluntary cooperation, egalitarian relationships, mutual respect and empathy amongst men and women of all individual abilities, hereditary roots, races, cultures, origins and gender orientations. We can create worker solidarity networks that include the unemployed and non-unionized workers. We need people’s unions, dual power structures and alternative institutions rooted in community struggles. We can organize ourselves and motivate each other to prepare for a revolutionary general strike (worker, student and rental) with (hopefully peaceful and productive) occupations of workplaces and vacant residential buildings and squatting of unrespected land.

Collectivity; self-organization and determination through inclusive and direct democracy in workplace collective / cooperative councils, residential, neighbourhood or land-sharing collective / cooperative consumption and distribution councils, with each person able to participate in policy-making in proportion to the degree that they are affected, having equal voting power in all decisions affecting them. Collectives and cooperatives can exchange services or trade as directly as possible with other collectives, cooperatives or autochtonomous collectivities, from (ecosocially) syndicated / unionized industrial producers or through 'Certified Fair Trade'. Collectives will want to stay small enough (5-20 people probably) to facilitate friendly discussion, coherent debate and consensus, while avoiding the natural formation of competing elites that dominate larger groups. If collectives exceed their capacity they can create independent collectives remaining open to people committed to ecological and social harmony in the community. Local collectivities can organize inclusive neighbourhood or village assemblies that propose and vote on all local issues. Neighbourhood assemblies could include every adult resident who wants to participate, consisting of maybe 200 permanent or nomadic residents. They could form semi-autonomous neighbourhood networks / villages of maybe one to ten thousand adult residents that could choose delegates to meet regularly with those of other localities.

Communality; confederated township communes / village networks or municipalities of up to maybe 1 000 000 citizens with various (non-hierarchical) collectivities / cooperatives, affinity groups and mutual aid functioning as production, distribution and service organisations, establishing autonomous municipal / township communes with collective control of land, natural resources and means of production. This may necessitate democratic and strictly voluntary, coordinated armed defence of social revolution during political upheaval if it becomes violent, to bring about communalism through social ecology. In every municipality or township, people could elect a congress of delegates hopefully subject to immediate recall, forming coordination and administration committees with regular rotation of posts, organizing decision and policy-making that effect large numbers of people. This will probably involve working out a provisional constitution with (provisional) legislation that can be decided by three quarter majority votes (at least) through acceptable forms of referenda, subject to timely and periodic revision; with (revisable and non-authoritative) juridical policy based on necessity, proposed by those affected and decided in neighbourhood assemblies. Certain committees could have specified limited mandates for administrating truth, restoration and reconciliation, with fair adjudication, non-punitive measures and rational methods of enforcing legislation. All bureaucratic aspects of communal self-government must be reduced to the bare minimum so that they can eventually dissolve completely. Economic decentralization and sustainable subsistence can be achieved by collectively organised provisioning, service exchange, barter, communitary credit and various other honor systems. Most essential and non-essential goods can be produced locally and with local resources, given the appropriate tools and technology.

Universality; regional to global confederation of autonomous communes with open borders subject only to ecological constraints. Workers' organisations, mutual aid associations and fully democratic institutions with recallable delegates elected by their municipalities having limited mandates for (transparent) administration in matters requiring regional to global levels of coordination such as disease prevention and disaster relief as well as the monitoring of an 'Earth Charter' that negates private property (discerned from personal, collective and communal belongings) and nation-state (discerned from place of origin and hereditary roots). It could encompass guidelines for transperant, egalitarian, participatory democracy and insist on bringing about universal access to clean water, uncontaminated soil, sufficient food, adequate shelter, essential clothing, decent sanitation, medicine, integral health care services and education, communications networks, and public transportation, as well as fair access to solar and wind generated electricity, clean fuel technology, mass produced tools and machines with means of mass production and recycling that can eventually eliminate all waste and undesirable labour. This could be possible if the vast majority of those willing and able were to participate in a voluntary coordinated effort: about 1000 hours of cooperative work each year including most organizational work. Additional effort and sacrifice can be remunerated by estimating effort and sacrifice through 'Participatory Economics’. The 'PARECON' model does not ignore, oversimplify or underestimate the extremely destructive resilience and complexities of capitalist globalisation. It promotes equality, diversity, solidarity and efficient autogestion (workers' self-management) and can help to build a global mutual aid confederation that can adapt to ecological and cultural differences amongst communes and regions without creating dangerous political tensions. Workplace councils and committees would stipulate with consumer collectivities through neighbourhood, municipal and regional distribution committees and iteration processes, establishing socially and ecologically indicative exchange values and hopefully insuring universal access to all necessities. Every able person could choose from virtually unlimited educational options and balanced job arrangements. Every industry would need to respect local, municipal, regional and global standards for social and ecological justice. Municipal or township communes would gradually become loosely connected, ecologically integrated village networks in regionally shared wild spaces and parkland commons. It is now vital that we build a rational and ethical society based on truth and human justice; affirming, nurturing and preserving humanity, diversity, and community.

Mon, 2006-03-13 21:06

How many fucking platforms can a guy come up with!

Thank dog for open publishing!

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vive les plateformes!
Mon, 2006-03-13 21:34

les plateformes... ça aide à meubler le temps en attendant la révolution spontanée... non ?

+1... pour l'effort, c'est pas facile écrire des plateformes!

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