
Bombing NPT signer Iran? Libya, France sign nuclear accord

forpressfound, Thursday, March 9, 2006 - 13:54

Henk Ruyssenaars

Libya and France are ready to sign a 'nuclear accord', which makes the PNAC* group's warmongering threats concerning Iran, which - contrary to Israel - has signed the Non Proliferation Treaty* - all the more inhumane and a pack of hypocritical BS.

FPF: We better take note: 'Libya to buy nuclear power technology from Areva: mulls Alcatel deal - French MP' - Story from Forbes - Url.:

In a very informative article* by Mike Whitney (Shock And Awe; The sequel) - he wrote: "The Bush administration has unilaterally repealed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) by demanding that Iran cease all uranium enrichment. This action overturns the central principle of the treaty which provides states with the “inalienable right

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