
Are we all David Irvings now? Where's our freedom of speech?

forpressfound, Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 05:23

Henk Ruyssenaars

Nobody is allowed to take away your right to Freedom of Speech. So when they start putting us in jail for what we think and write; questions we rightfully ask, than we have lost our freedom of speech.

'Thought crime' is something you may think, say or write: ideas which are not liked by the people in power. Whether someone says that 'God is Dead' or 'our planet earth is flat as a pancake'. Because: "Whatever you say, I'll defend your right to say it'', Voltaire is quoted.

by Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF - Feb. 21st, 2006 - In fact, all the heavens were in perfectly harmonious circular motion. Earth alone - special and privileged - rested quietly at the center. It was a lovely picture. A picture of a closed sensible universe, a universe that educated people had believed in for over a thousand years. A picture that was supported equally by religion, by science and by common sense. Until Galileo Galileii stood up and questioned the whole: he said planet Earth was moving too.

We know now that our earth is not standing still, nor is it in the center of the universe. We know instead that earth is a medium sized planet spinning rapidly on its own axis once around every 24 house and moving around the sun in a giant elliptical orbit at a dizzying speed of over 60,000 miles an hour.*

Galileo Galileii (1564-1642), was an Italian physicist, astronomer, and philosopher who is closely associated with the scientific revolution, but who 373 years ago had to stand trial for what he thought, said and wrote. It took the Vatican's 'Ringling Brothers' in Rome 359 years to agree with Galileii: On 31 October 1992, Pope John Paul II officially announced ''that the Church had mishandled the case''.


But in this medieval Dark Age - which now is returning fast, as the Irving verdict proves - the defenders of the catholic's mythology c.q. religion, did not want reality to interfere with their ideas. Directives from the Inquisition - (the Vatican's torturing Supreme Court) - delivered Galileii a (Gag) order not to 'hold or defend' the idea that the Earth moves and the Sun stands still at the center. Galileo was ordered to stand trial on suspicion of heresy in 1633. The sentence of the Inquisition was in three essential parts:

* Galileo was required to recant his heliocentric ideas, which were condemned as "formally heretical".

* He was ordered imprisoned; the sentence was later commuted to house arrest.

* His offending [book] 'Dialogue' was banned; and in an action not announced at the trial, publication of any of his works was forbidden, including any he might write in the future. - [endquote]

From my point of view as a senior journalist/correspondent, seeing the same happening for years now, with facts and reality further drowned in the mainstream, today we may conclude we've crawled in the repression gutter again: "Austria jails Irving for 3 years on Holocaust denial." Jailed for what he thinks or said? What danger is he to whom? And why? Why can we question Darwin or Einstein but not the Holocaust story?


As published worldwide by the PNAC* propaganda service Reuters: 'British historian David Irving was sentenced to three years in prison for denying the Holocaust 17 years ago, an Austrian court ruled on Monday. He was sentenced by a court of eight lay jurors and three judges in a case based on remarks he made in a 1989 interview and in speeches when he visited Austria, where denying the Nazi genocide on Jews is a crime." [end quote*]

The above story - about putting people in jail for their thoughts and ideas - today again is sold as totally justifiable and correct by the mainstream media, owned by the same group which gives the directives and gag orders. But those are the same media which collaborate, kill and 'spike' the news about the global US/UK PNAC slaughters*, killing millions of human beings for profit during the last century alone.


The UN report about the U.S. Gulag's concentration camps and the demand that the US/PNAC government should shut down “without further delay

Foreign Press Foundation
Google 'news' selection concerning David Irving's trial

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