

Anonyme, Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 01:00


GRENADA: THE MAROON SPIRIT, a new documentary film by Pumpkinhead Production Company to donate portion of sales to Grenada Maroon Fund

What happens when a small Caribbean island is hit by a massive hurricane? How does a country cope when 90% of their homes are destroyed or damaged? What happens when your agricultural sector is wrecked and your major export crop will take years to recover? What are the hopes of the people for the future under such conditions? These are some of the questions that GRENADA: THE MAROON SPIRIT hopes to answer for people. This new production by the Pumpkinhead Production Company was filmed on the island of Grenada in the Eastern Caribbean in November of 2004, two months after Hurricane Ivan devastated the island nation on September 7.

Traveling throughout Grenada and its sister island of Carriacou, GRENADA: THE MAROON SPIRIT interviews people from all walks of life, hearing about their experiences with the deadly hurricane and their efforts to rebuild their lives. They tell of the deadly winds, the flying debris and the resulting destruction. Their stories of working together with their neighbours, as a community to quickly get back on their feet are inspiring and educational. They credit Hurricane Ivan with rekindling the “Maroon Spirit

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