what we do in life echos an eternityAnonyme, Friday, January 20, 2006 - 20:08 deeds we judge not words What we do in life Echo’s an eternity? General Marcus Aurrilesus An editorial Murdock Todd Cote (Doc) George Walker Bush, if I could say one thing to you it would be that words are meaningless when it concerns you and the Ultra Right Wing Republican Party and their religious and carpet baggers who support you. For here in this reality we judge a person for what they do not who they are be it culture, religion, race, political affiliation and gender and orientation. In the real world we are one country, with no distinction of were we come from, how we worship, our race, our culture, our sex, and our sexual orientation. We are American’s there is no distinction we live and breath and our light means freedom to the world. But for the last five years, that light has darkened in every way, by the corruption of the government by the URWRNC and the carpet bag government of George Walker Bush and its backers the religious right; hate mongers like Pat Robertson, Jimmy Sweagert, and that other fool from Virginia. He, Mr. Bush has done his job well he has fractured the people into the have and has nothing. I asked myself a question why do we have a narcotic problem in America. It’s because people have lost hope in a future and having a home, warmth, food, and a job to take care of their families to educate their children and give them the American dream. Instead our children are dealing with Meth, ice, PCP or angel dust as its known on the street, crank, coke, and crack oh I almost forgot heroine; which are slaughtering our children. It could be stopped but why stop being paid off in Washington by the Medihene and Kali Cartel. Right now in the Middle East we have an ongoing operation to protect oil platforms called operation Sea Dragon. To deal with the water born assault of smugglers, put a carrier battle group in the Gulf of Mexico and the bayou’s and deltas of Mississippi and Louisiana, I would run go fast boats and ridged inflatable boats which will choke off the water smuggling operations in the Gulf State region and I would also use ridged on the river systems of the Rio Grande and Arizona, New Mexico. I would also ask congress to present a bill for airborne anti-drug interception I would take out of Mothballs 100 P46 thunderbolt that would fly cap over the coast to the border country of the South West and any aircraft below the atl of 1000 ft would be challenged by these fighter patrols, forced to land at a Coast guard, Naval or Air force or Marine base. I would also set up fire bases along all ground borders, and they would be patrolled by hummers and apache gun ships. As for Aircraft the sector commander may release weapons when the challenged craft both air and sea will not obey orders. Mr. Bush as I have said in every article I have written it is deeds that mater, because words are frivolous; for what we do in life echo’s an eternity. You have divided our country and involved us in wars that should never have happened. I speak of the Iraqi theater of Operations and also the mismanagement of the operations in the Afghanistan Theater of operations. A domestic agenda that is useless because you might have made jobs but they are all service jobs, you have allowed the tech and manufacturing jobs and other job to be farmed out to the Central Asia, South East Asia, China and China Taiwan to South America and Central America. I ask how many car factories in Detroit are still up and running, how many planes are being built and designed by Boeing and Lockheed and McDonald Douglas., energy independence, how many r and d have been curtailed for synthetic fuels, oil and other nuclear power and solar. Why because you make millions on the backs of the poor, low income and disabled and elderly. Your foreign policy, domestic agenda and the thievery of your carpet bag government. The reason that the social security is insolvent is because you and the Ultra Right Wing Republicans have stolen from it to pay for your pork barrel is because you don’t care one fracking bit about our people. Come November I hope we melt the frost by voting you carpet bag government out by removing the URWRNC from our congress and the Senate and come 2008 we remove your party’s leader from leadership before it erupts into a heated and unending War. |
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