Imminent Danger: Compatriots falling into the same IV Republic chasm of errorsfranz, Thursday, January 19, 2006 - 10:54 (Analyses | Democratie)
Jutta Schmitt
By Jutta Schmitt Things are not looking good at all ... as the temperature rises and is being felt on the streets, in the air, the media and in the general mood of the grassroots people of Venezuela ... adversaries work hard on a thousand and one battlefronts to discredit the revolutionary process ... to divide those supporting President Chavez ... to poison the minds of Venezuelans and to prepare the ground for a fatal strike against the Bolivarian Revolution. --- Instead of acting according to the threat and confronting it consciously and decisively in its own internal and external dimensions, a great number of 'compatriots' are falling into the abyss, repeating the same bad Fourth Republic habits while pretending to be "true revolutionaries." Blind tendencies to short-term planning, selfishness and egocentricity again seem to prevail over social and historical class consciousness ... the one thing that can help us to defeat the perversion that is global capitalism and lead us on the way to rescue planet Earth and to reassure the survival of the human race itself. We are the product of our social and natural relations. Thus, the most difficult thing is trying to eradicate bad habits, bad behavior and bad 'values' taught and learned since we were born and kept secluded in the deepest recesses of our beings ... all within the frame of a perverse and destructive, anti-natural and anti-social, anti-human capitalist system that has transformed life itself into a commodity with a price that walks over corpses to make money. Sometimes, I wonder if it is possible to break free from an endemic system that not only exists but reproduces itself at material levels. Fatally, it does the same at spiritual, psychological and emotional levels as a function of perpetuating the exploitation, oppression, discrimination and alienation of the thousand of millions that sell their labor to be able to live ... as expressed in the total and plain corruptibility of people whose essence and existence have been reduced to precisely that of merchandise, buyable each hour and saleable to the highest bidder. It is within this context that we have to analyze and understand the corrupt, opportunist, malleable and soft mentality that blocks any revolutionary effort ... even within the ranks of the Bolivarian Revolution. I am afraid that it is here in which the greatest danger lies ... even greater than any external threat. It is, in this sense, internally, that there is advanced putrefaction. As Martin Guedez says ... the hour of this revolution has, indeed, arrived! JUTTA SCHMITT, M.A., Political Science, Philosophy & Sociology is an Assistant Lecturer (ad honorem) in Political Science at the University de Los Andes (ULA) in Merida. * Beating the adversary from below: National Assembly in the streets! * University de Los Andes (UL * Jutta Schmitt: America's Choice -- no truth, no difference and no choice * Venezuela: O inventamos, o erramos ... we either invent, or we err * Venezuelan opposition supporters misled by their leaders lies and deceit * Why Venezuelans support the Bolivarian Revolution wholeheartedly * Please hand the opposition the silver bullet ... so it may finally rest in peace * Jutta Schmitt: What's wrong with Venezuela's 1999 Bolivarian Constitution? ULA lecturer Jutta Schmitt: Venezuela ... NO to the Return of the Zombies! SPANISH VERSION: Muchos compatriotas están cayendo en los mismos vicios de la IV República Por: Jutta Schmitt Publicado el Miércoles, 18/01/06 10:41am Las cosas no se ven bien para nada, y aquí ya se está sintiendo el calentamiento de la calle, del ambiente, de los medios y de los ánimos. Los adversarios están trabajando arduamente en mil y unas frentes de batalla para calumniar el proceso revolucionario, dividir a quienes están apoyando al presidente Chávez, envenenar las mentes de los venezolanos y preparar el terreno para el golpe mortal contra la Revolución Bolivariana; y en vez de estar a la altura del peligro y enfrentarlo consciente y categóricamente en sus dimensiones externas e internas, un gran número de "compatriotas" está cayendo en el abismo de la eterna repetición de los vicios de la Cuarta República, es decir en la corrupción, el clientelismo y la acumulación de inmensas riquezas personales, mientras hacia afuera pretenden hacerse pasar por "revolucionarios". El cortoplacismo ciego, el egoísmo e individualismo parecen prevalecer una vez más sobre la conciencia de clase, social e histórica, la única que puede llevarnos a superar esta perversión que es el capitalismo global y encaminarnos hacia el rescate del planeta tierra y la supervivencia de la especie humana misma. Como somos productos del conjunto de nuestras relaciones sociales y naturales, es decir de nuestras circunstancias históricas, la tarea más difícil es erradicar los usos, costumbres, hábitos y "valores" que se nos han inculcado desde la cuna, y que hemos interiorizado hasta los más lejanos rincones de nuestra psiquis, todo en el marco de un sistema capitalista perverso, destructor, anti-natural y anti-social, anti-humano, que ha convertido la propia vida en un valor de cambio y que camina sobre cadáveres para obtener ganancias. Esto es el contexto y trasfondo ante el cual tenemos que analizar y comprender la mentalidad corrupta, oportunista, doblegable, blanda y cortoplacista que obstaculiza cualquier esfuerzo revolucionario y emancipatorio, aún dentro de las filas de la propia Revolución Bolivariana. Me temo que ahí es donde radica el mayor peligro, que supera a él de las amenazas externas. Y en este sentido también, es decir en el frente interno, que demuestra un estado de putrefacción avanzada, a esta revoluciòn le llegò su hora, como bien lo dice Martín Guédez. fran...@cantv.net ****
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