the matrix talkAnonyme, Saturday, January 7, 2006 - 14:05 (Analyses)
live with the spirit world
There is no such thing as Justice Universal Consciousness A Plain English discussion and synthesis of the states of human consciousness - streams of consciousness which include higher consciousness, cosmic consciousness, collective consciousness, enlightenment, mindfulness, and rationality. Consciousness can be defined as - • the self awareness, inner sensibility or cognisance The paradigm that consciousness may exist independently of the physical body is often widely disputed from all sides and often ridiculed. It may sometimes be tolerated under the label of religious freedom, but virtually all branches of science are evolving in the opposite direction: explaining out soul and Spirit. Yet, there can be a synthesis or common ground where, by removing the seeming discrepancies and limitations in the words and languages used by science, mysticism, spirituality and religion, it can be seen that Universal Consciousness is the interweaving thread - the tantra - a bridge which joins all forms of human endeavour with all and, with all states and forms of sentient and non-sentient existance. This Universal Consciousness is In this web-site, we have used the term LifeStreams to bypass the preconceptions which can arise and create divisions in thought and understanding - hopefully creating a map of Universal Consciousness which can be followed without the need for the technicalities and special nomenclatures of fields of knowledge and experience that may be accessible only to people with special training. Within these Life Streams, patterns can be found which directly influence mental and physical health - and all interpersonal relationships. They are the sources of conscious and unconscious programs and beliefs that govern life leading to stress, conflict, addictions, medical and psychological diseases. Yet, these same LifeStreams have a commonality to all of the senses used by all of man-kind. Thus, the material on this site bridges physics and metaphysics. |
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