Ministry of Public Relations, Kingdom of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI. (11/30/05) . The royal lineages of King Kamehameha, the first Hawaiian monarch; High Chief Kamehameha Nui of Maui Island; and Queen Liliu'okalani, the last reigning Hawaiian Monarch are reaching out from the past to re-establish the Hawaiian Island Kingdom to it's former glory. All of these lineages, together with those of several chiefly lines connected to all of the Hawaiian Islands, converge in the genealogy of Edmund Keli'i Silva, Jr., as confirmed by the House of Nobles of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. As a result, these same nobles sought out Mr. Silva and asked his to serve as the next reigning monarch of the Hawaiian Islands in an effort to restore the kingdom to its once independent state. His website at www.KingdomofHawaii.org, his personal royal seal depicting him wearing Kamehameha III's original royal feather cape and feather headdress (which is also stamped on his royal stationary), his families royal seal on file at Bishop museum, letters to President Bush, UN Secretary Kofi Anan, speeches to Hawaiians worldwide, and this personal interview, provides clues to his answer. Simply, "Yes." Having accepted this responsibility, his majesty has spent the past several months traveling throughout the Hawaiian Islands speaking to his subjects on matters relating to social needs, health coverage, economics, agriculture, political formation and representation, land alienation and development, cultural preservation, poverty, citizenship, US occupation, and many other important issues. In a personal interview with his majesty, he explains that while many of his Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian subjects since 9/11 have serious concerns and questions regarding the safety and security of Hawaii under the new system, he reassuringly reminds them that the newly restored Kingdom of Hawai'i will be neutral politically (similar to Switzerland), and therefore safer than it is within the US system. "Pearl Harbor would have never happened, and the current nuclear missile threat from Korea would not be an issue, if Hawai'i was demilitarized, independent from the US, and politically neutral." His majesty Edmund Keli'i Silva, Jr., also considered the issue of an economic land base for the new kingdom, and is in the process of negotiating the return of all Kingdom government and crown lands (ceded land trust) and their lease rent revenues, which are currently being collected by the US and state governments, and are said to number in the hundreds of billions of dollars each year. With that goal in mind, he has already obtained agreements from several private landowners in Hawai'i, who have voluntarily turned over in excess of 250,000 acres of lands to the new kingdom in preparation for the restoration. "Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians alike have volunteered to help in their own individual or group capacities. With Akua (God) leading the way, all things are possible for the people of Hawai'i and the restoration of the Kingdom." His majesty also has plans in place for US military bases that have been closed in Hawai'i. He plans to open them once again, but convert them from places of war, to places of peace, healing and new beginnings for people who are homeless, overcrowded in their present homes, or dependent on state or federal social programs. Within the bounds of these new "pu'uhonua" (places of refuge), people will be able to begin again with new land and homes opened up not only for these new residents, but also for students, doctors, social workers, psychologists, and other researchers and professionals who wish to offer their services to the people living there in exchange for housing. The remainder of military bases currently occupied, according to his majesty, will be eventually opened up for Hawaiian families living elsewhere in the world who desire to return home. "I see my people everyday, and they tell me that they are suffering under the present US system. Many of them are sick, homeless, impoverished, and hungry. It is about time that the kingdom return to its former glory so they can be helped. Out of the restoration flows the healing from Akua for Hawai'i's people." Greater health through free universal medical care, reduction of poverty, homelessness and housing shortages through the opening up of lands now occupied by or closed down by the US military will ensure that people will no longer be landless. Many of these lands and lands under the ceded lands trust will be used not only as an economic base in the form of lease rents, but also will be made available to agriculturalists. "It is estimated that if all of the ancient fishponds were once again put into operation, they could feed every person currently residing in Hawai'i today on an ongoing basis." This move, according to his majesty, together with the implementation of a flat income tax, and the opening up of lands to diversified agriculture, including the growing of crops that can be used for cattle feed and other grains, will move Hawai'i closer to economic independence, and the lowered cost of living that is needed. "Our cultural sites and ancient graveyards are being disturbed daily, many areas are over developed, and over populated. More and more we are dependent on foreign goods, with higher price tags at the checkstand as a result. Under the new monarchy, Hawaii independence naturally leads to personal independence, which in turn leads to economic independence for all of Hawai'i's people, both Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian alike." Certainly, as many people already know, internationally and legally, the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists. This is supported by numerous international treaties with countries around the world instituted in the late 1700s to 1800s. His majesty Edmund Keli'i Silva Jr., received numerous letters from various world leaders stating that they support the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and acknowledge him as the new king via inheritance and genealogy. Several world leaders have committed to attending the coronation scheduled in Hawai'i for early next year, which should prove to be a glorious and happy event for Hawaiians everywhere, and many others of non-Hawaiian decent who live here, and who chose to remain after the restoration. "We welcome all people of any decent who currently reside here in Hawai'i to support the new kingdom, abide by it's laws, and to apply for citizenship once it is offered to them." Native Hawaiians around the world will be offered automatic citizenship, according to his majesty, with some desiring to retain the citizenship of their home country. Those people will have to apply for visas and show proof of passport in order to remain here. "Of those that wish to remain, let us all put aside our differences and paddle together in the same direction, to obtain that which has up to this point eluded us, because we have been paddling in different directions while sitting in the same canoe. We will never get anywhere that way. It is my prayer that we can come together as a people and restore the kingdom as our ancestors want us to, because it is not only pono, (righteous) but it is time." In order to emphasis this point, His majesty has sent a letter to President Bush in October 2005 in which he reminds the President of his September 14, 2005 speech to the United Nations, in which he commits the United States and himself to promoting freedom, human rights, the rights of minorities and institutions of self-rule. It is in this spirit of commitment to noble principles that his majesty asks President Bush whether he will fulfill that commitment with action in the Hawaiian case. To President Bush he states: "I invite you to enjoy a great lu’au (feast) and traditional Hawaiian celebration with me, while we contemplate the incredible changes that are taking place in our world. Later, you can come to my coronation and walk side by side with me, while we enjoy the unfolding of miracles." A copy of this letter was sent to over 4,000 separate individuals or organizations, which included the international leaders of all worldwide government entities and island states; UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and the entire membership of the UN, including all consulate members; All Tribal Native American and Native Alaskan Entities and all worldwide Hawaiian cultural, business, educational or professional organizations; All fifty (50) US Governors, the entire Senate and House of Representative membership; several University Journalism Departments; and over 2,000 local and international media outlets in October and November 2005. In a separate cover letter to world leaders (dated 11/29/05), his majesty writes "We are planning a lua’u (great feast) and celebration following the formal ceremony, during which we shall take the opportunity to introduce ourselves and discuss matters of reconciliation and peace. Respectfully, Hawai’i shall be forever and always an independent and neutral nation. Never again occupied by any foreign or domestic power. I am also looking forward to discussing various treaties; such as; friendship, economics, navigation and commerce between our nations. Let us join together in celebration, as the kingdom of Hawai’i is once again restored to its true glory as a light unto the world. Mahalo for your time and support. I look forward to your reply, as we embark upon this great endeavor together." Finally, in a cover letter sent to all Hawaiians worldwide, his majesty addresses his subjects in both Hawaiian and English in which he states: "At this time, I am asking you all for your help with this great burden, because if we join together as a strong bundle, we cannot break. If we travel the same path, with the same burden, and the same wisdom, with all of our outstretched hands to God together, we will succeed! We cannot fail, because we seek the same path as our high queen, Lili’uokalani, and our ancestors on the Ku’e (resistance) documents who opposed the overthrow. The righteous path of the restoration of the monarchy of the true kingdom of Hawai’i." He closes with "Working together with one voice, one strength, one mind, one kingdom." This letter, together with the words to the new kingdom chant entitled "Ku I Ka Mana" (The Mana Rises up) encourages Hawaiians to find the hidden mana (spiritual power) not only in the elements of nature surrounding them, but in their ancestors, the old chiefs and in God above, who will deliver them, as the mana of all Hawai'i rises up once more! Why? Because Kamehameha has returned to reclaim Hawai'i! END
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Website of the Restored Kingdom of Hawaii
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