
Incestuous Father, M. Porter, Gets Custody of His Victim

Anonyme, Friday, October 28, 2005 - 15:39

Canadian Mothers Against Incest

In June 1986, racist and sexist Judge [...] Zerbisias from the Montreal Family Court chose to grant the custody of a 10 year-old girl to her English incestuous father and deprive the loving Iranian mother of all visitation rights. Today, that child is a 29 year-old emotionally crippled woman who is on her father's payroll, incapable of pursuing a normal life.

M. Porter [...], born in 1948, UK citizen, married to Colette Richer in 2003, and an employee of the Imperial Tobacco Company, is an incestuous father, a child molester and a rapist who lives [...] in N.D.G. district of Montréal, a house with a side entrance that keeps his location unnoticed by the public. [...]. This two-faced English monster is very dangerous and every Montreal parent should be careful with their children around him. He molested his daughter, raped his ex-wife and sister-in-law, causing the latter to commit suicide.

In 1975, when the Iranian mother of his child was pregnant, M. Porter threatened her that if she did not go through abortion, he would eventually take the child away from her and make her miserable. With the birth of the child, M. Porter began emotionally and physically abusing his wife and humiliating her in public. When the child was three years old, the mother surprised him sexually molesting the toddler in the bathroom. She took her daughter to the Child Protection Offices and complained against her husband, but was told that because there were no physical signs of abuse they could not bring charges against the abusive father. It was M. Porter's style not to leave any physical sign of abuse. For instance, this man's method of torturing his wife was to take her to the basement of their house and stretch her arms so far to the back that the pain made her scream and beg for mercy. He also repeatedly warned her that if she spoke to anyone about that, he would kill her. The mother, afraid for her life, never mentioned to anyone the incident of the child molestation and incest by Andy. The mother was also unaware of the fact that since the child was three years of age, M. Porter brainwashed her into systematically lying to the mother about where her father took her, who they met and what activities they had on weekends. During the Court hearings, the mother realized that M. Porter had taken the child to adult parties that were detrimental to the child's emotional wellbeing.

In 1985, the child reported to the mother that her father, M. Porter, had been sexually abusing her around the time of weekend horseback riding. The child maintained her claims for two years, but every court-related agent chose not to believe her. The reason: M. Porter had began a malicious and elaborated campaign of paying off unethical court-related psychologists to present him as an innocent man and declare the mother as being behind the child's claims of abuse. M. Porter also politicized the issue of his violence within the family by exploiting the anti-Iranian feelings of the Canadian courts (after the 1980 Hostage Taking at the American Embassy in Tehran) and the rise of the misogynistic and reactionary Fathers' Rights Movement. He lied to everyone involved in the divorce and custody battle that the Iranian mother was anti-Semite, a terrorist, a feminist and a man-hater, and a mother who starved her child and did not cook for her. He had also blatantly lied to and manipulated his friends, colleagues and neighbours. Over the years, he had isolated his wife from everyone by asking them not to visit the family and by threatening his wife with injecting carcinogenic liquid into her veins if she did not follow his orders or opened her mouth about him. M. Porter pushed his wife into depression and despair, always keeping the appearance of a nice man. Therefore, a combination of spending thousands of dollars, manipulating everyone against his wife and threatening to kill her served him well in a racist/sexist/classist society that favours the British over the Iranian, and an abusive but rich father over a loving mother who cannot pay off lawyers or send the child to private schools. M. Porter who had left the household in August 1983, raped his wife's 19 year-old sister in early 1983 and raped his wife twice in March 1985 as methods of torture and intimidation. His motivation to get the custody of the 9 year-old girl was, beside destroying his wife's life, to have the unfettered opportunity to continue using her as an object of his sexual fantasies during her forced horse back-riding exercises on weekends, to continue sexually abusing her. Those who are close to this two-faced English monster know that he gets sexually aroused by any female on a horseback and in an equestrian outfit.

During the year-long custody battle, M. Porter first took the child away from her caring mother and placed her in a Group Home for 8 months with the help of Linda Greenberg, a psychologist from the Montreal Jewish General Hospital and advocate for the misogynistic Fathers' Rights Movement. He then hired and paid off other unethical court-related psychologists and lawyers who helped him obtain the full custody of his victim by trashing the loving mother. M. Porter also greatly benefited from the misogyny and anti-Iranian politics of Judge Zerbisias. On June 27, 1986, the racist and sexist Judge Zerbisias, presiding over the Montreal Family Court, chose to reward the Evil. She granted child molester M. Porter the sole custody of his 10 year-old daughter whom he had sexually abused. She declared that the mother was unfit because of her "possible mental illness", while at the same time found the mother capable of wworking and taking care of herself financially. She deprived the mother both of her child and of alimony. Seven months later, this same misogynistic female judge deprived the mother of all visitation rights after M. Porter forced the then 11 year-old child to appear in the court and wrongly accuse the mother of wanting to kidnap her and take her to Iran. Judge who had seized of the file of this orchestrated trial for over two years, closed the file when she saw that the separation between the mother and the child was complete

Today, the mother leads a bleak existence marked by daily suffering and pain of not seeing her beloeved daughter. Today, the adult child is a mentally ill 29 year-old woman who is totally alienated from her mother, does not wish to ever meet with her, is irreversibly brainwashed by M. Porter, and lives off of his very high income. As a child, during forced horseback riding practices, she was used for her father's sexual gratification. As adolescent, when she refused to go for horseback riding, she was neglected and abused emotionally by her father and his girlfriends (including Ulrike Koechling). At the age of 16, she was hospitalized for three months at the Psychiatric Ward of the Montreal Royal Victoria Hospital. She used drugs and M. Porter provided her with free cigarette packs he got from the Imperial Tobacco Company. As a result of her father's abusive behaviours, she is an immature and emotionally scarred person who cannot maintain friendships, cannot hold a job, is financially dependent on her criminal father, and is incapable of establishing relationship with her mother whom she used to love dearly. According to a psychologist, the mother was the only factor in this child's emotional and intellectual growth until the age of nine.

The followings are those who participated in the crime of handing the custody of a child over to her molesting father, M. Porter.

Judge Zerbisias: an utterly racist and sexist judge of the Montreal Family Court who chose to reward evil. In her 50-page Judgment on June 27, 1986, rendered verbally, this male-identified female Judge maliciously defended a rapist and a child molester in the following terms:

"Respondent [Iranian mother] charges that Petitioner [M. Porter, wealthy English father] sexually molested the child when she was 3 years of age, i.e. in January 1980, and subsequently, during an undefined period starting in 1984 until mid-June 1985.

"There is no proof that Petitioner [father] ever sexually abused or molested his daughter. The burden of proving these charges, by legal means, was Respondent's: she has not discharged this burden. The evidence which she has offered, has been set aside.

"These charges, as are the other charges levied against Petitioner [M. Porter] by Respondent, (i.e. of raping her on two occasions in 1985, threatening to murder her with a carcinogenic material, being a fetishist and wife beater, and having threatened to kill the child) are pure fabrications by the Respondant (mother.) They are the product of a sick distorted mind, who either involuntarily imagined that these acts occurred, or, who invented them deliberately and maliciously as a defense to the breakup of the marriage and possible loss of custody and absolute control over her daughter, and / or to obtain a financial settlement on her own terms."

How convoluted of this Judge. Where does she get all this hatred of women from?

Furthermore, corrupt Judge Zerbisias rejected the testimony of the Ms. P. Tremblay, the only registered psychologist who believed that the child had been sexually abused my the father. She judged:

"Madame P. Tremblay has not been recognized by the Court as an expert in the matter of sexual abuse of children, in view of her lack of experience or training in that domain." How convenient! Zerbisias put aside the evidence that the mother offered, and rejected the expert-testimony of a registered psychologist who was not part of the Judge's gang of "Fathers' Rights Movement!" How much more corrupt could a judge get?

During the hearings that lasted for a year, this malicious judge was very respectful of the abusive English father and extremely insulting towards the loving mother. She often ordered her, "Don't make speeches" and prevented the mother to explain how everything was presented to the court out of its proper context. It was obvious that Zerbisias, this Anglophile Greek, is ashamed of her own culture and by extension despises people of any culture that resembles hers.

In her determination of the custody, wicked Judge issues an order in favour of the incestuous father, and writes the following nonsense:

"The evidence is that Respondent [Iranian mother] is unable to properly protect and care for her child. The charges of sexual abuse in which she conscripted the child's participation; the isolation, manipulation and use of the child for her own ends; her attempt to sever the relationship between Petitioner [incestuous father]and their child (...): these are all reasons to doubt Respondent's judgment and her ability to parent.
(...) On the other hand, the uncontradicted proof is that Petitioner [incestuous father] is a loving, nurturing, competent father."

“Respondent and her mother [child's grandmother] complain that he [the abusive father] is cold and undemonstrative. In fact Respondent [Iranian mother] is attempting to impose upon Petitioner [English father] her own standards of emotional behaviour towards the child - one which has been described as being sick, excessively intense, and abnormally and unreasonably emotional and demonstrative. Simultaneously, Respondent accuses Petitioner [incestuous father] of sexually fondling the child - a somewhat contradictory position."

Wow!!! Judge first expresses a flagrant racism towards the Iranian mother and her affectionate behaviour with the child, and then makes the incredibly stupid judgment that a cold and undemonstrative father cannot sexually fondle his child! The intelligent reader has no problem noticing the inherent racism (English coldness posited as norm) and sexism / misogyny (maternal warmth considered to be abnormal)in the Judge's above statements.

Ms.[...] Doyon: M. Porter's lawyer, a female lawyer without conscience, who asked for $100,000.00 from her wealthy client to defend him in the family court by crushing the mother. Ms. Doyon systematically harassed the mother by screaming at her under the endorsing gaze of the Judge, and frequently uttering vulgar racist and sexist comments against her.

Referring to the rape of the mother by her husband M. Porter, Carole Doyon asked the victim: "Did it hurt?"
Her address is [...].

M.[...] Cordeau: Malicious lawyer for the child, who never considered the child's best interest, but favoured the incestuous father and fought hard in the Court against the Youth Protection Services' Representative, M.[...] Lamoureaux, who recommended the custody of the child be given to the mother. André Cordeau was appointed by Judge Zerbisias and was extremely hostile to the mother from the onset. He basically functioned as a second lawyer for the incestuous father and did not miss a single occasion to interpret the mother's benevolent gestures in negative light such as attacking her for choosing to live in the same neighbourhood as her beloved daughter after having lost her custody.

Ms.[...] Greenberg: Unprofessional psychologist from Montreal Jewish General Hospital and advocate for the reactionary Fathers' Rights Movement.

Dr.[...] Amit: Unethical psychologist who received $25,000.00 from M. Porter in order to make false statements that saved his child molester client. He declared that Porter was not a molester- because "this happens only in lower social classes", and after meeting once with the child's mother for only 20 minutes, he shamelessly declared that she was psychotic and unfit mother because of her political stance against Zionism. Amit recommended that the family court grant the custody of the abused child to her incestuous father. This unprofessional psychologist who screamed from the top of his lungs in the Court that he was a Zionist, that the mother was unfit because of her anti-zionist stance, today pretends to be himself against Zionism and has joined a certain Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

This dangerous man is both in private practice and a professor at the Department of Psychology of Concordia University in Montreal. His email and phone number are [...]

Ms.[...] Carr: Unethical counsellor and colleague of M.[...] Amit. This woman participated, under the guise of psychotherapy, in the brainwashing of the child against her mother by Amit. At the present time, this unprofessional counsellor is working at Bishop’s College School in Lennoxville, Quebec, as School Counsellor, University Advisor and Round Square Co-ordinator, thus putting at risk the well-being of the school children. [...]

Bishop’s College School is an independent co-educational boarding and day school, for grades 7 to 12. It's address is 80 Moulton Hill, Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada, J1M 1Z8 [...]

Ms.[...] Wagner: Incompetent social worker with Ville Marie Social Services. She did absolutely nothing to protect the abused child from her father and all the advocates of the Fathers' Rights Movement involved in this case.

Ms.[...] Lamontagne: Unprofessional court-related Psychologist who is an anti-feminist activist and an advocate for the Fathers' Rights Movements. She constantly taunted the mother by calling her "subversive feminist" and other insults that are uttered by the Fathers' Rights Movement.

M.[...] Sanzari: unskilled and inefficient legal aid lawyer for the Iranian mother of the child, a commercial lawyer without sufficient knowledge about family laws, who did absolutely nothing to help his client by claiming that he was not paid enough by the State to put his time and energy in defense of his client. He was probably paid off by his client's opponent, M. Porter. His address is: [...].

Ms.[...] Escomel: Unethical journalist from the feminist magazine La Vie en Rose, who was begged by the mother, on November 1, 1985, to follow the custody battle and the atrocities committed by the advocates of the Fathers' Rights Movement in the Family Court, but chose to look the other way by the request from Ms.[...] Lamontagne. This lesbian journalist betrayed the abused mother and her molested child, by writing instead on lesbian issues while the mother and the child were being brutally punished for having spoken against an incestuous father. [Mic of the CMAQ: it is questionable if this part respects our CMAQ editorial policy, but we could argue it is acceptable to insult public personalities.]

M.[...] Pergantis: character witness for child molester M. Porter.
M.[...] Pergantis is M. Porter's brother-in-law, a drug-dealer as well as a dog trainer whose Motto is "Women are dogs and must be trained like dogs." During early 1980's, this criminal lured a 13 year-old girl to his farm and kept her there as unpaid worker and sex slave. His wife, [...], left him over his crime of kidnapping and forced detention of a minor. M.[...] Pergantis's address is: [...] Quebec, Canada.

Friends of M. Porter who over the years often participated in abusing his ex-wife are: [...].

[Mic edition for the CMAQ :
* This post contained a high number of personal home addresses, personal e-mail addresses and personal phone numbers, often of people not publicly accused of anything, so it was necessary to hide these confidential information in order to protect the safety and personal lives of the people targeted in this post.
* The first names of people named here were hidden, again for basic legal and ethical reasons upheld by the CMAQ. If you wish to find the publicly available names of those involved, please refer to legal reports and files.
* The personal data we hid are marked by [...]
* We left the web site link in place since we are not responsible for it. Contact the host (owned by Yahoo!) if you feel this site violates your rights.]

How the advocates of the Fathers' Rights Movement in Montreal helped an incestuous father to get the exclusive custody of his victim.

Modération temporaire
Michael Lessard...
Wed, 2011-06-29 22:13

Suite à un courriel déclarant que ce texte est diffamatoire, j'ai

a) retiré le prénom de M. Porter

b) mis ceci TEMPORAIREMENT en modération pour calmer les gens concernés qui vont voir que l'article n'est plus accessible ET AUSSI/SURTOUT pour que l'engin Google corrige sa version en mémoire de cet article.

Je suggère, dans environ une semaine, de le revalider et l'engin Google (je crois) présentera seulement la nouvelle version.

Est-ce que ça vous va ?

Michaël Lessard [me contacter]
de l'équipe de validation du CMAQ

[ ]

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Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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