
this revolution dosent belong to the comittes its yours

Anonyme, Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 21:50


this revolution dosent belong to the comittes its yours

hapines is a new idea in this world sad to love money so you cant by hapiness still it in any case no regrets we refuse to be high rise diplomated registred indoctrinated surbanized sermonized beated telemanipulated gased booked
this concerne everyone no to coat-and-tie revolution are you a consumer or a participant is time to let the power to imagination because who lack imagination canot imagine what is lacking
abolish class society nature created neither servant nor master iwant neither to rule nor to be rule
lets not change bosses lets change life politic is in the streets baricades close the streets but open the streets we will ask nothing we will demad nothing we will take occupy comrade if everyone did like us struggle against the emotional fixation that paralyze our potential of liberation forget everything youve been taught start by dreaming every view of thing that is not strange is false the liberation of humanity is all or nothing the futur will contain what we put in it now

making revolution also mean breaking your internal chains yes emecipated your self from emotional fixation that paralyze your potential live the moment reconize no autorite the structure is roted no replastering we refuse the role asignated to us we will not be trained as police dog take the revolution seriously but dont tak your self seriously
pratice wishfull tinking your action most not be a reaction but a creation

the right to sleep

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