Anarkissmack! - A Declaration of Equality and Science of FreedomJason Edwards, Monday, September 12, 2005 - 11:50 (Analyses) This is intended supplement: 'Anarcho-ecological Principles, Vision and Strategy' (Under the header: Analysis 09/09/20050). Common Values Common Truths Vital Aims Critical Imperatives Innate Means The Essence of Radical Wisdom Reality beyond all appearances is vast emptiness, emptiness manifests itself as perpetually changing reality, reality is not different from sublime emptiness and emptiness is not different from transient reality. Consciousness, sensation, perception, emotion and cognition are intrinsically like this. All things are illusory like a dream; nothing is actually created or destroyed, defiled or pure, gained or lost. In actuality there is no self that is separate from consciousness, sensation, perception, emotion or cognition; no self that is dependent on eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body or mind; no self that is independent of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or mental reaction; no self who is seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, or perceiving; no ignorance, cause and effect or end of ignorance, cause and effect; no aging and death or ending of aging and death; no suffering, no origination of suffering, no end of suffering or ways that lead from suffering; nothing to grasp or cling to and no individual attainment. With no individual attainment, human beings, guided and empowered by radical wisdom, lose all of their doubts and obsessions. Having no obstacles for their minds, they overcome all fear and hesitation, freeing themselves entirely from illusion, experiencing genuine awakening and total equanimity. All intimately awakened human beings in the past, present, and future, relying on radical wisdom, actualize complete liberation and universal emancipation. |
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