FEMA containment policies; and the massive transfer of power from the middle class to the military.Anonyme, Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 16:45 (Analyses)
david piney
The elite's mainstream media is wholly guarded about revealing too much of what's really going on nowadays, and thus the public can only speculate about today's broader picture from the tidbits of fact that trickle down. But of late some startling clues have arisen! Was FEMA's mismanagement of the human crisis after Katrina purposeful, and in fact a harbinger of what's to come now that the end of the oil era is within sight? The Aspen Times reported in the first crucial days after Katrina that FEMA actively blocked aid being delivered to the region, and purposely "thwarted others' efforts to help". They refused to unload ships of aid that arrived in the harbor, and deliberately blocked offers of assistance from Chicago and New Mexico. Adam Sharp, a spokesman for Sen. Landrieu's office, told the media that FEMA withheld approval for the US Forest Service to use water tanker aircraft to put out the fires, and delayed the arrival of Amtrak trains to evacuate flood victims from the city. Corporate offers to provide communications equipment were also impeded by the agency, and the Red Cross was prevented from going into the city. Even the Coast Guard effort to supply fuel for emergency generators was halted by FEMA. According to a tearful Aaron Broussard, president of Jefferson Parish in New Orleans --who gave an NBC interview for "Meet the Press" last Sunday--, FEMA actively sabotaged relief efforts. He said FEMA even cut the emergency communication lines into the area. Apparently the local sheriff restored the lines and then posted armed guards to protect them. Such seemingly mindless acts were clarified in an interview with Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, chief of the National Guard Bureau, who was asked specifically by a reporter if the buildup of his force was the reason it took until Friday before the National Guard came in with any significant aid. Blum responded, "That is not only fair, it is accurate. You've concisely stated exactly what was needed, and I told you why. We took the time to build the right force." Blum then bragged of having "stormed the convention center," while acknowledging to Pentagon reporters, "We waited until we had enough force in place to do an overwhelming force." Thus it's fair to assume the Pentagon's newly revealed NorthCom "war plans" for the military "to take charge" in domestic crises was being implemented by FEMA, which meant deferring the rescue aid until its deployment. This likely included the "information war" doctrine of controlling all communications in regions targeted for occupation, which explains the cutting of the civilian communication lines. Numerous accounts in the flood zone testified that the destitute were treated as "enemy insurgents", with police and troops sealing off the city to prevent all attempts to leave. Brig. Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the Louisiana National Guard's Joint Task Force in an interview with the Army Times, explained that military commanders were treating New Orleans as a combat operation. "This place is going to look like Little Somalia," said General Jones. And yet the published tales of marauding gangs with weapons, and even the rape of a little girl at the convention center refuge, couldn't be substantiated by the police according to the UK Guardian. There were no such reported victims the cops said. Howard Witt of the Chicago Tribune said that scarcely any of the rumors were true - in fact the police only confiscated a single knife from a refugee in one Baton Rouge shelter. "There were no riots in Baton Rouge. There were no armed hordes." Thus one must wonder if the rumors were simply engineered, as a pretext, in order to facilitate the new priority of emergency public containment under marshal law. It's not so far fetched! Canadian's faith in each other has been decimated by a fear-of-strangers ethos that's largely been authored by its police. Our streets have become barren of kids' playing since the Reagan neo-con era. Cops appearing on "Child Find" ads for example, claim 16,000 kids go missing in BC yearly, in a program clearly implying that the threat is from strangers. And it's simply a blatant lie, not to mention despicable fear mongering. Accounts of preteen girls in BC over the last few years who've fought off apparent adult kidnappers through kicking and screaming are especially ludicrous. There's not a working man I've ever known who couldn't throw an 8yr old in the car and be gone in a flash no matter how hard they tried to resist. But the effect of these unchallenged media revelations have certainly alienated the public from each other, and thus considerably weakened collective action in Canada, in spite of the fact that crimes against children are the rarest of all crimes, and especially by strangers --which is statistically almost non existent. The New World Order has clearly chosen the raw expediency of guile and criminal militarism historically to achieve their objectives. How can anyone be secure under these principles? In such a world of status quo crisis management because of the visible end of the oil era, massive depopulation becomes a logical tactic. And thus it's just a matter of blind luck for who's next, no matter how much of an insider you think you are. Could this post-Katrina treatment of the destitute be the way of the future? Are the victims of the massive downsizing --that's inevitable with the decline of the oil era-- to be treated with these grotesque military containment policies, or to be provoked into sentencing to prison factories? If so, it means a significant value shift, and thus a massive power transfer from the middle class to the military. If it becomes no longer viable to support the extravagant consumption of the middle class vote to sustain capitalist status quo, the raw expediency of the military and their rising police state of covert forces will certainly preserve the elite's power structure: and at far less cost. But it will mean horrific consequences. Yet, currently democracy is still fully empowered by law. If the collective could somehow coordinate their efforts to develop mechanisms for principled governance, life could still be good for the family of humanity, even with the massive changes that are now dawning. Otherwise, I'm afraid the raw expediency of the police state now being glimpsed will assure a hell on earth instead. Saddest of all, the elite can only implement such changes through guile, by deceiving both the bureaucracy and the public through their mainstream media. Thus it's tragic that the CBC issue is treated so lightly in Canada, when honest investigative reports are obviously so very crucial to empowering democracy, and thus procuring mechanisms to ensure principled governance for the nation as well as humanity. |
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