
CIA allowed nuke spy to continue

Anonyme, Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - 07:38

Henk Ruyssenaars

Former Dutch Prime Minister blames nuclear proliferation to Libya, Iran and North Korea on the CIA's 'handling' of Pakistani top spy Dr. Kahn.

by Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF - The Netherlands - August 9 - 2005 - "We were not allowed by the american intelligence service CIA to arrest Pakistani top spy Dr. Abdul Khan, whom we knew was stealing nuclear secrets from us for years." This accusation was made today by the former Prime minister of the Netherlands Ruud Lubbers, in an investigating program - Argos - on Dutch national radio.*

Ex PM Lubbers was - in his usual frank way - blaming the CIA for Pakistani proliferation of stolen nuclear knowledge.The program was made in cooperation with Japanese TV, remembering the unnecessary atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.*

This revelation is - to say the least - as usual 'very underreported' by the international neocon 'information' agencies. Dutch minister of Justice P. H. Donner, when earlier explicitly asked about possible CIA action concerning Khan, did not tell the truth and told parliament ''that nothing of the kind has happened, the CIA had nothing to do with it''.

A discussion in the pro neocon Dutch parliament, run by speaker mr. Weisglass and again concerning Donner's lies about the CIA activities has been announced. Nobody expects anything; except more lies.

According to the often very outspoken former prime minister and ex United Nations Refugee High Commissioner* Lubbers: "Under the influence of the so called 'Cold War', all 'western' intelligence services were ordered around by the CIA, and were told 'to back off' so the CIA could follow and control Khan's spy activities in Holland''. For all those years the CIA wanted Khan to go on with his spying, which ultimately was used to get US ally Pakistan atomic weapons too, Lubbers said.

"Just let him go, we'll follow him, and that way get more information", the permanently in Holland stationed CIA spooks told the servile Dutch secret service. Which for decades - apart from the CIA etc. - also cooperates with the Israeli Mossad. Dutch 'National Airport' Schiphol serves as an airport for the Israeli airline 'El Al', and as a major Mossad base in Europe. Dutch Attorney General Vrakking testified already on Jan. 29, 1999, that the El Al security detachment at Schiphol was a branch of Mossad. This information is never repeated in the Dutch media.

“Schiphol has become a hub for secret weapons transfers,

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