
Demo against the Aparteid Wall, Bil'in, West Bank

Anonyme, Saturday, August 6, 2005 - 06:10

ISM Media Group

(Friday, Aug. 5, 2005) — In a display meant to represent how Israel's illegal annexation wall is snaking through Palestinian land and killing the possibilities for peace, about 100 Palestinian peace
activists in the West Bank village of Bil'in were joined by 50 Israelis and 30 internationals in a march toward the wall construction site friday, carrying a 20-foot long mock snake with a dove bearing the colors of the Palestinian flag in its mouth.

Israeli soldiers injured two people, detained 13 and arrested four. A number of demonstrators were injured by sound bombs, kicking and punching.

As the demonstration neared the last house in the village, Israeli soldiers standing with shields and riot gear behind razor wire declared the area a closed military zone. Palestinians shouted back "This is Palestinian territory!" and continued the joyous chanting, singing and
dancing for about half an hour.

As some of the protestors continued to chant, the Israeli military started to move toward the demonstrators, firing tear gas and throwing sound
grenades into the crowd. Israeli soldiers then pushed the demonstration back toward the village.

A peace activist from India was knocked down and kicked in the head while he tried to de-arrest someone. He said "they thought I was Palestinian." Another man — an actual Palestinian — was injured in his leg by shrapnel from one of the sound grenades tossed into the crowd by soldiers. Of the four arrested, the two internationals, one from Germany and the other from Denmark were
released hours later. Two Israelis are still under arrest and accused of assault. One soldier has claimed that one of the Israeli peace activists "bit" him.

As the smoke subsided, some demonstrators reformed into clear lines and linked arms to stop the advancing soldiers. The Israeli military beat them with shields. Palestinians were specifically targeted with brutal force. Despite the large number of Israeli soldiers, the demonstration was able to peacefully stand its ground and move the soldiers back to the original stand-off point.

for fotos of the demo
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