NOMADIC PENAN OF SARAWAK IN TROUBLEAnonyme, Friday, July 22, 2005 - 14:26
THE PENAN TRIBE ARE UNDER THREAT FROM NOTORIOUS TIMBER COMPANY SAMLING, THEY NEED HELP FAST... Samling awarded MTCC certification for territory of last nomadic Penan - Sarawak, Borneo. Sarawak lies on the north-west coast of Borneo and is the largest of the Malaysian states. It holds an abundance of gas and oil below the surface, dense rainforest above and is home to thousands of tribal people. Some of the tribal peoples of Sarawak are traditionally nomadic but the majority are now settled in villages and practise agriculture. Only a small minority still live by their nomadic hunter-gatherer heritage, they are the Penan. An infamously gentle people, the Penan depend on the forest for their livelihood, their spiritual beliefs and their identity. The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) has granted a certificate for forest management to the timber company Samling for a region of forest which is under claim by the Penan. The disputed land in the Ulu Baram area is still pending a court decision. Regardless of this the MTCC has awarded certification for logging procedures to go ahead. No consultation with the communities of the region ever took place. The government is constantly attempting to ‘develop’ and ‘modernise’ the nomadic Penan, believing a settled life of agriculture to be far more civilised, and the hunter-gatherers to be ’backwards’ . They talk of integration and opportunities through development, (logging, mining, oil palm plantations, dams and tourism) but the only results seen by tribal peoples tend to be disease, hunger and resettlement to a life that is completely unthinkable in their culture. Timber is big business in Sarawak and often at the heart of the countrys’ politics. Malaysian NGOs are currently prompting the MTCC to comply with Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) standards and processes. The FSC runs the only truly credible certification scheme which meets international standards. The Penan have protested against the certification and appealed to the responsible federate minister with no success. There has been no substantial reaction from these parties so far. They continue to protest this breach of their claimed Native Customary Rights (NCR) and Native Customary Lands (NCL) and are demanding that the companies stop operations until the land disputes are resolved. This is an extract from a letter sent to the Malaysian Timber Certification Council by more than 600 members of the Penan in January 2005: “Many of us have suffered due to the Samling logging operations: our rivers are polluted, our sacred sites damaged and our animals chased away by people who deprive us of our livelihood and culture. |
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