Two Tier AlbertaAnonyme, Monday, July 18, 2005 - 03:17 (Analyses)
Eugene Plawiuk
'Alberta sets the agenda for Canada' Jean Charest 1996 No truer words were ever spoken about the Klein Revolution, and they come back to haunt us again and again as Canadians and as long suffering Albertans. "I don't think it's two tier," Mr. Klein said. "I guess it's subjective." Ralph has announced his plans for introducing two tiered health care in Alberta. And it will have a major impact on Health Care across Canada. Well the Supreme Court opened the can of worms with its ruling on provinces responsibility to provide health care for its citizens even if that meant private health care plans. Top court strikes down Quebec private health-care ban And now Ralph has announced, wait for it, that he intends to apply this in Alberta as part of his Third Way for Healthcare. That is instead of using the American model of privatization he will use the European/British model of two tiered health care. That model of economic efficiency that almost destroyed the British NHS. And if that isn't scary enough for those of you on summer vacation how about two tier daycare. Scrap the National Daycare plan the Liberals tried to introduce, Alberta has swung it's own deal for public funding of private service delivery. Read the whole story Here |
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