
The Real Story of Alberta's BSE Crisis

Anonyme, Monday, July 18, 2005 - 03:09

Eugene Plawiuk

The Death Of Alberta Packing Houses,Lack Of Feedlot Inspections, And Privatization, Led To The BSE Crisis

Agribusiness and its friends in the Klein government are directly responsible for the BSE crisis we now face. The failure to save our indigenous packing houses, the outsourcing of the LIS to the business interests they were supposed to inspect, the failure to inspect and regulate feedlots, all of it contributed to the current crisis and all of it can be laid at the door of the Klein government.

The Alberta BSE crisis, as was the case in Thatchers England, is the direct result of privatization. And it has only been in Alberta that any cattle with BSE have been found. Yet the impact has been felt across the country.

But the chickens have come home to roost. Unfortuntely when this govenment got hoisted on its own petard for the past two years those who have suffered the most are neither the politicians or their relatives and pals in the agribusiness industry. It was the farmers and workers who got the shaft of this petard.

Agribusiness and its friends in the Klein government are directly responsible for the BSE crisis we now face. The failure to save our indigenous packing houses, the outsourcing of the LIS to the business interests they were supposed to inspect, the failure to inspect and regulate feedlots, all of it contributed to the current crisis and all of it can be laid at the door of the Klein government.

The Alberta BSE crisis, as was the case in Thatchers England, is the direct result of privatization. And it has only been in Alberta that any cattle with BSE have been found. Yet the impact has been felt across the country.

But the chickens have come home to roost. Unfortuntely when this govenment got hoisted on its own petard for the past two years those who have suffered the most are neither the politicians or their relatives and pals in the agribusiness industry. It was the farmers and workers who got the shaft of this petard.
Read the whole article here

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