A Warning from Israel: What May Come After Evacuation of Jewish Settlers from Gaza Strip (?/!)michc, Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 21:16 (Analyses | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Elections & partis | Imperialism | Racism | Religion | Resistance & Activism)
Mike Corbeil
As per the request specifically made by the authors of the article this is about and for, a copy is being sent for an additional post at CMAQ. And, in my opinion, the authors present a very important argument; enough, that I believe all should read their article. I don't know the three co-authors, having never heard of them, so my perspective is not thereby formed, developed; only being based on what they say may be coming ahead, for Palestinians of Gaza being something that strikes me as at least certainly plausible nature. http://www.counterpunch.org/davis07162005.html A Warning from israel: What May Come After the Evacuation of Jewish Settlers from the Gaza Strip By URI DAVIS, ILAN PAPPE, and TAMAR YARON We feel that it is urgent and necessary to raise the alarm regarding what may come during and after evacuation of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip occupied by Israel in 1967, in the event that the evacuation is implemented. We held back on getting this statement published and circulated, seeking additional feedback from our peers. The publication in Ha'aretz (22 June 2005) quoting statements by General (Reserves) Eival Giladi, the head of the Coordination and Strategy team of the Prime Minister's Office, motivated us not to delay publication and circulation any further. Confirming our worst fears, General (Res.) Eival Giladi went on record in print and on television to the effect that "Israel will act in a very resolute manner in order to prevent terror attacks and [militant] fire while the disengagement is being implemented" and that "If pinpoint response proves insufficient, we may have to use weaponry that causes major collateral damage, including helicopters and planes, with mounting danger to surrounding people." We believe that one primary, unstated motive for the determination of the government of the State of Israel to get the Jewish settlers of the Qatif (Katif) settlement block out of the Gaza Strip may be to keep them out of harm's way when the Israeli government and military possibly trigger an intensified mass attack on the approximately one and a half million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, of whom about half are 1948 Palestine refugees. The scenario could be similar to what has already happened in the past - a tactic that Ariel Sharon has used many times in his military career - i.e., utilizing provocation in order to launch massive attacks. Following this pattern, we believe that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz are considering to utilize provocation for vicious attacks in the near future on the approximately one and a half million Palestinian inhabitants of the Gaza Strip: a possible combination of intensified state terror and mass killing. The Israeli army is not likely to risk the kind of casualties to its soldiers that would be involved in employing ground troops on a large scale in the Gaza Strip. With General Dan Halutz as Chief of Staff they don't need to. It was General Dan Halutz, in his capacity as Commander of the Israeli Air Force, who authorized the bombing of a civilian Gaza City quarter with a bomb weighing one ton, and then went on record as saying that he sleeps well and that the only thing he feels when dropping a bomb is a slight bump of the aircraft. The initiators of this alarm have been active for many decades in the defence of human rights inside the State of Israel and beyond. We do not have the academic evidence to support our feeling, but given past behavior, ideological leanings and current media spin initiated by the Israeli government and military, we believe that the designs of the State of Israel are clear, and we submit that our educated intuition with matters pertaining to the defence of human rights has been more often correct than otherwise. We urge all those who share the concern above to add their names to ours and urgently give this alarm as wide a circulation as possible. Circulating and publishing this text may constitute a significant factor in deterring the Israeli government, thus protecting the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip from this very possible catastrophe and contributing to prevent yet more war crimes from occurring. Please sign, circulate, and publish this alarm without delay! Please send notification of your signature to Tamar Yaron tiya...@hazorea.org.il WE WOULD ALSO APPRECIATE RECEIVING NOTIFICATION IF THE ALARM WAS PUBLISHED IN ANY MEDIA AND/OR IF IT WAS SENT TO A GROUP DISTRIBUTION LIST. Uri Davis, Sakhnin, urid...@actcom.co.il , Ilan Pappe, Tiv'on, pap...@poli.haifa.ac.il, and Tamar Yaron, Kibbutz Hazorea, tiya...@hazorea.org.il ===================================================== That's it, the whole article quoted and reposted, as those three co-authors asked to be done. And, again, I agree with them about it being important to maintain a very carefully open mind about what the Israeli government is plausibly up to. The authors did not provide any specific references to or on Ariel Sharon's precedents, and I haven't taken the time to verify for any; however, given all that I have read, so far, on the Israel-Palestine conflict, well, it seems to me that those three co-authors have serious reason to believe that Palestinians of Gaza may be in for being rather genocidally slaughtered. And given all of the massive, strong support the US government has been providing to that of Israel, well, the Canadian government needs to cease pandering to US interests, forsaking true sovereignty of Canadians, and supporting the US government in its huge crimes against humanity. That applies with respect to not denouncing the huge crime it is for the US government to be providing such strong support for the Israeli government, for the apocalyptic US occupation of Iraq, and in its coup d'etat against Haiti; among many-enough other real examples of ways in which the Canadian government needs to become truly sovereign, and of true leadership quality; true leadership meaning of an order absent of LIES, despotism, .... Mike Corbeil P.S. Some words, again, on my perspective of the present status of Canada, well, they follow below. There are absolutely no justifications for Canada being involved in either Haiti or Iraq, and there's no cause to be inovled in Afghanistan, for the Taliban regime did not attack or even threaten the US. All three cases are of extreme and gratuitous aggression of entirely dishonourable, impeachable, and indictable order. Remember, and I believe this was during the summer of 2001, when G.W. Bush et al threatened the Taliban regime by telling them with regards to the oil pipeline deal they were backing out of, well, that they had to be prepared to receive a carpet of, either, gold or bombs. Remember. And there's much else needing to be very carefully remembered. One other thing is that while people could try to whip up some kind of excuse to try to justify Canada's role in Afghanistan, there is no justifiability possible. We knew when that aggression by the US was launched, it had not been proven that the Taliban had anything to do with the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in the US; only having had some association, and of distinctly different order, with UBL and Al-Qa'ida; only with respect to the affairs of Afghanistan. That means that the US-UK-Ca. aggression was launched against the Taliban without there having been any proof of any wrong doings on their part; therefore, the wrong doings were and have been ever since maintaned by the US-UK-Ca. trio (possibly also others, but am not aware of them, or have forgotten who they are). Sure, they were nasty towards Afghan women's rights and dignity; however, that is certainly not something to address with war, but with strong and sound, fair, sane diplomacy; not by imposing brute and massively destructive force. There was absolutely no justification in the coup against Haiti, as well as in or for the war on Iraq. The status of each of those two countries had already been amply well established long enough before 2002, let alone 2003 and 2004; enough to clearly indicate that neither of these wars could or would be justifiable and that they would therefore be purely aggression and, thus, criminal. For a little country like Canada, which has a population of only around 30M or so, well, the Canadian government is in "deep over its head" in crimes against Humanity; nationally and internationally; bad in both cases, while much worse internationally. Another piece of "spice" to remember is how "comically" and at least somewhat tragically the religious clergy have aggressively attacked Canadian politicians (in the RC case anyway), about them being more-or-less condemned if they supported legalisation of something as irrelevant to religious groups as same-gendre marriage, and of the at least more arguable case of abortions; the former being an illustration of religious "leadership" being totally nonsensically opposed, while the latter case, abortions, being more morally arguable, in the cases that are not medically judged to be necessary. Now, juxtapose the religious' major silence with respect to support of and, only worse, participation in wars of purely aggression order; near total, complete and very dark silence is what the religious "leadership" provide, that is, appeasement, which leaves or means actually being complicitly involved in supporting apocalyptic acts of government(s). I'm against medically unjustifiable abortions, but will not commence to condemn people for committing these acts unto "the little ones" who are totally defenceless; needing, instead, to just and very simply, as well as gently, work on trying to sensitise people I'm aware of wanting unnecessary abortions, to sensitise them about LIFE, precious Life, to try to get them to perceive life from a perspective they had not before looked through the lens of. Same-gendre marriage is of no one's concern, that is, and of course, except for the couples who would be getting married in this manner. If the religious are against, then they can simply work on ensuring that their churches do not provide such marriages; however, where civil marriages are concerned, it's no business of the religious; and any who think in the opposite sense are religious bigots who are rather really nothing other than imperialists abusing religion for or as disguise(ment). Those don't come anywhere close to full-out and purely aggressive wars upon Peoples. Such wars cause many abortions, one way or another but abortions of fetuses, the slaughter of children, women and elderly, as well as many other innocents and defenceless people. Oh, these wars far surpass the tragedy of an occasional fetus being unnecessarily aborted in either Canada or the US. There are many unnecessary abortions, but the issue nevertheless does not measure up to that of wars of purely aggression; or to the extreme destruction of and toxically polluting our natural environments, and with fetuses becoming contaminated while in the wombs of their bearing mothers, with the potential of being born with grave deformities, potentially developing cancers, and so on. Only the imperialistically minded religious could be that self-contradictory; well, as well as, perhaps anyway, simply idiotic religious people. However, when it is coming from religious "leadership", then the "simply idiotic" excuse just doesn't fit; instead, it's, then, far more likely about imperialistic minds being at "play" on or against Humanity. And it's possible that they're imperialistic without realising that they indeed are this, which means "idiocy" again; however, anyone who pretends to be a leader unto or for others has to take serious responsibility to hone his/her level of competence; therefore, "idiocy", alone, again does not fit, not enough; in my opinion, anyway. Now, we've got a picture of the criminality of Canada, but it also needs to cease complacently and racketeeringly supporting the US government's wrongful and major support of the Israeli government. The religious "leaders" of Canada should pay very careful attention to what their roles really, essentially entail, and to cease wrongfully applying religious leadership; to instead address the real and worst wrongs of government; and without bashing society in the head with religious indoctrination; to instead employ morally sound argumentation, which in turn is all that is really needed. Jesus said to carefully mind the separation of relgion/church and state, so the religious "leaders" in Christianity have a serious obligation to pay attention to what He instructed; instead of constantly trying to replace Him, as if they somehow magickly know better than He did and does. I'm not reading or hearing anything, except rarely and awfully little, from the Canadian religious "leaders" on the topic of these HUGE crimes of the Canadian government in these wars of purely aggression, including with respect to Canada not condemning or denouncing the wrongful support the US provides to Israel. "Good Shepherds" they rather obviously are not, except and at most minorly, these so-called religious "leaders". Canada! Get out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Haiti, NOW! That is what Canada has to do, there being absolutely no moral or legal choice about this; none whatsoever. Canada needs to do that and then to address itself to either the appropriate Canadian court, or to the ICC; however, at least getting out of those three wars of purely aggression would provide an excellent start. And cease the silent support of the US' major and criminal support of Israel! Also NOW! This may seem to be a lot to ask for, but it's really not, for this is humanly doable, it is an obligation to see to this happening, etc. It would take perhaps a few or several months to achieve this, but it's achievable and a duty; legally and morally. |
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