AKBAYAN: Filipino people ready to oust GMAAnonyme, Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 21:27 (Analyses)
AKBAYAN (Citizens' Action Party)
13 July 2005 : AKBAYAN today warned the President that the Filipino people is capable of using extra-constitutional mechanisms to remove her if she continues to refuse to listen to the demands of various sectors that are pushing for her resignation. The group said that extra-constitutional means remain to be a legitimate and valid option, especially if the available constitutional remedies will just be tainted by the same traditional politicians who are interested in securing their political future. "Extra-constitutional solutions are not necessarily unconstitutional. If President GMA refuses to resign, the option of ousting her from office is valid," Ronald Llamas, AKBAYAN President, said. AKBAYAN insists that the President has already lost the moral ascendancy and legitimacy to govern. "She has continuously refused to speak categorically on the allegations of electoral fraud and the truth behind the 'Hello Garci' tapes. Instead, she would rather allow her minions spin the truth and maximize the flaws of existing political institutions to mitigate the accountability being demanded by the people from the President," Llamas added. Llamas also rejected the formula for charter change that former President FVR is proposing. "No credible system change will happen under the GMA regime. The FVR proposal is not only silent on the future of GMA, which means that they are willing to let her go just to secure their own political interests. More importantly, it is curiously silent on how we can deepen the accountabilities of all public officials. They focused instead on how to institutionalize neoliberalism as the constitutional economic framework, the same policies that has worsened poverty in the country and widened the divide between the rich and the poor," Llamas said. AKBAYAN joined the hundreds of thousands of protestors calling for President GMA's removal from office. AKBAYAN vowed that it will launch more protest activities in the future. _____________________________________________________ Chairperson National Council and Initial Members AKBAYAN! - http://www.akbayan.org/ Individual members Prof. Randy David Secretariat
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