LONDON - TERRORISM ORDERED BY THE STATEAnonyme, Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 11:10 (Analyses)
IS FECIT CUI PRODEST : Blasts could boost Blair's support ! http://mai68.org/journal/N98/7juillet2005.en.htm Hello everyone, Of course I feel terribly sad about the people which were killed or wounded in these terrible attacks, but we should also think that Hitler advised to take people by their emotional side. That prevents them thinking, and so, they cash take for money all the twaddle the leaders tell. In his article titled : « LONDON : TERRORISM OF CIRCUMSTANCE » located here : http://paris.indymedia.org/article_propose.php3?id_article=39123 Diogène does the excellent following remarks : « English scandal newspapers seem to be very bright. Less than 3 hours after attacks (around 01 P.M) were the evening newspapers ready for sale, these telling in detail that these attacks are indeed the work of al-Qaïda. They should be a bit more careful, because one time they will publish attacks news before their masters finish committing them. » These attacks obviously were ordered by the English State itself ! Naturally, the purpose is to justify a state of exception (For example : Permanent Patriot Act Proposed), because all the so-called contesting organized by the State, in a Live 8 style, did not manage to prevent that rioters come to disturb G8 in Great Britain. It's only one month and half after Genoa that the 09/11 events occured. To see on this subject my text "LE REICHSTAG BRÛLE !" by clicking here : http://mai68.org/index1.en.htm An other and better translation (by NOT BORED!) of the first part of this text is here : http://www.notbored.org/reichstag-brule.html This time, the government have waited even less longer than at the time of Genoa to try to counter the true dispute by using its favorite drug : False-terrorism, i.e. the terrorism ordered by the State. It is funny to note that these terrorist attacks took place right after the designation of London as Olympic city for the Olympic Games 2012. If these attacks had taken place only one or two days before, London would not have been selected. Thanks Al-Qaïda to have wait before doing its attacks, until the selection of the city of London ! Sympathetic, isn't it ? Bye About 09/11 : http://mai68.org/index1.en.htm About Genoa : http://mai68.org/pages-speciales/genes/genes.htm BLIND TERRORISM IS NOT BLIND : IT AIMS, AND IT AIMS AT THE PEOPLE ! IT IS THUS MADE BY THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE : THE COLDEST STATE, OF THE COLD MONSTERS ! _______________ FOREKNOWLEDGE : http://fr.news.yahoo.com/050707/5/4hr5w.html http://www.lalibre.be/article.phtml?id=10&subid=91&art_id=229174 jeudi 7 juillet 2005, 12h56 La police britannique avait averti l'ambassade d'Israël à Londres de l'imminence d'attentats JERUSALEM (AP) - Un haut responsable israélien déclare que Scotland Yard avait averti l'ambassade de l'Etat hébreu à Londres quelques minutes avant les explosions dans la capitale britannique pour dire que la police avait reçu des informations faisant état de possibles attentats. Ce responsable israélien a requis l'anonymat étant donnée la nature de son poste. Israël organisait une conférence économique près du site de l'une des explosions. Le ministre des Finances Benyamin Nétanyahou devait y assister mais les attentats se sont produits avant son arrivée. A Londres, l'ambassadeur d'Israël a déclaré que la représentation israélienne est en état d'urgence, avec interdiction d'entrer ou de quitter le bâtiment. AP Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning : http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050707/ap_on_re_mi_ea/isra... Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast : http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=85346 _______________ MADRID : Bomb squad link in Spanish blasts http://avantgo.thetimes.co.uk/services/avantgo/article/0,,1150429,00.htm... Spain suspects 'were informants' http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3670627.stm _______________ Terrorist gang 'used military explosives' : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22989-1690391,00.html Permanent Patriot Act Proposed : http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/11/AR200507... _______________ IS FECIT CUI PRODEST : Blasts could boost Blair's support : http://www.billingsgazette.com/index.php?id=1&display=rednews/2005/07/08...
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