
Take away poverty!

Zeina Fayad, Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 11:16

Zeina Fayad

Take away poverty, in the third and quarter world countries, for children living in the city, of Montreal and because the rest of the world is not being friendly.

Take away poverty is the web site name, from Montreal Canada, an e-platform, defending countries budgets. Ministers have agreed to make this decision offiical during hte G8 summit in Scotland : world debt is cancelled for 18 of the poorest countries in the world. We want the poeple to halt when children are living under poverty level, in Montreal.

On Canada day, take away poverty!
Wear the white ribbons all day.

Join us to make poverty history on Global White Band Day and at Live 8!

Global White Band Day, July 1, will see people in 70 countries around the world wearing white bands and wrapping public buildings in white to send a message to the G8 world leaders that we demand action on More and Better Aid, Canceling the Debt, Trade Justice, and Ending Child Poverty in Canada.

This year Canada Day 2005 will be wrapped in white! You can join millions worldwide:

Wear your “Union Made in Canada

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