
Corruption, nationalism and capitalism

Anonyme, Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 14:48

Steve Tremblay

Created to “save Canada

On Thursday, May 19th, the Liberal government survived its first non-confidence vote. The passage from the Opposition benches of the House of Commons to the Government side, by one of the great Canadian fortunes in the person of the very mediocre Belinda Stronach became the deciding vote. Paul Martin’s minority government survived by a single vote. But the crisis of confidence that led to this parliamentary crisis remains. The Liberal government is weakened and its spokespeople are for good reason greatly discredited.

For a good number of weeks now, on a daily basis, the Canadian population has been enlightened by the increasingly seedy revelations of the now infamous sponsorship scandal. Though originally an initiative of the Chrétien government to “halt the separatist threat in Québec

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