CKUT Radio: Iraqi Refugees in JordanAnonyme, Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 12:36
Stefan Christoff
Palestinian refugees displaced by the ongoing Israeli occupation account upwards of 70% of Jordan's population, while it is estimated that upwards of 500 000 Iraqi refugees have fled the U.S. occupation of Iraq into Jordan throughout the past 2 years. ----> To listen / download the interview with Dahr Jamail visit: http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=12599 ----> To read recent reports written by independent journalist Dahr Jamail visit: http://www.dahrjamailiraq.com --------------- Displaced Iraqis Simmering with Anger in Amman Amman, Jordan {http://esterrepublic.com/Archives/djamail11.html} It isn’t difficult to find Iraqis in Amman nowadays. The word on the street is that somewhere around half a million have come to Jordan over the last couple of years, seeking security and/or jobs, since they have neither at home in Iraq. “The American troops have not come for the benefit of the Iraqi people,
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