
Deadline extended: TVAC seeking video shorts for new activist DVD compilation

Anonyme, Monday, May 23, 2005 - 17:09

Toronto Video Activist Collective

The Toronto Video Activist Collective is organizing its next video compilation in time for release this summer, 2005. We are seeking short film and video work that highlights and celebrates progressive activism in Toronto, Canada and around the world. Our deadline has been extended to June 5, 2005 to facilitate and accommodate even more entries.

- please distribute widely -

May 23, 2005


-- Deadline extended to June 5, 2005 --

The Toronto Video Activist Collective is organizing its next video compilation in time for release this summer, 2005. We are seeking short film and video work that highlights and celebrates progressive activism in Toronto, Canada and around the world. Our deadline has been extended to June 5, 2005 to facilitate and accommodate even more entries.

In particular, we are looking for grassroots video work that brings light to the most marginalized and underrepresented injustices in Toronto and around the world. Ideally, we are looking for work under 15 minutes in length so we can include as many different pieces on this 2 hour DVD/VHS compilation. Our collective is also interested in short experimental and narrative pieces that explore social justice issues and activist struggles in new and exciting ways.

To submit your work, contact us:
Phone: 416-530-4432

To see our previous work:

Members and contributors submit their work for free to our not-for-profit collective. The aim of our video compilations, of which we have produced four, is to distribute work that would otherwise not be seen widely, and to use modest revenues from the sale of these videos to support video activism in Toronto, as well as support other grassroots activist organizations that we are involved in and who fight on a daily basis against the injustices – from poverty to war – that we all work to end.

Our most successful video to date, ‘Tear Gas Holiday: Quebec City Summit 2001’ (2003), is a feature length documentary on the historic demonstrations against the OAS and the FTAA in April, 2001. We’ve sold hundreds of copies, screened the film around the world, and raised much needed legal funds to defend activists caught in the RCMP’s offensive.

Videos already submitted for ‘VideoActive 5’ (TVAC, 2005):
- Anice Wong’s “Whose Rights Anyway? Justice for Mohamed

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

Get involved !


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