Warfare Theory 42; British Imperium Trade WarAnonyme, Monday, May 9, 2005 - 02:24 (Analyses)
Ake Tyvi
Different Trade Wars have always attracted mind. Trade Wars have not stopped, they never will nor do they even relief in any respect. Warfare Theory 42; British Imperium Trade War How British Imperium Trade War would work? When I was remembering the day everyone was too busy to mind nothing but their own Business, I came up with something. Gladly we have now moved into new period, were the one id est The State causing Business Problems in Finland has become a world wide looser. Different Trade Wars have always attracted mind. Trade Wars have not stopped, they never will nor do they even relief in any respect. Compared to old day’s warfare, Modern Trade War functions differently, and it is not visible to ordinary citizen, or to common businessman. Britannia and France are famous for their Trade Wars, thus let us observe them, and rather the latter. During the Colonial Power Britain overtook many nations including India by committing field warfare. Corporate knowledge, investments and were implanted to the Colonial Power and the legal system were modified more suitable for the needs by The Conqueror. When talking about market controlling, trying to control Finnish markets, a bit similar warfare technique is used by the Swedish, with their attempts to control the legal system and government ministries too. There is no real evidence this to be case for example in Intia’s case, however a bit too many Information Technology Businesses have been outsourcing their services lately. Sometimes is more convenient to help people in need in stead of not helping them. We may only hope, that this, like any other theory, false, since we are about to run out of time, and we must find the guilty persons for the national nausea. |
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