
Land, Decolonization & Self-Determination

IPSM, Friday, May 6, 2005 - 15:03


May 13-15, 2005
Université du Québec a  Montréal (UQAM)
Pavillon Hubert-Aquin, Room A-M050
400 Ste-Catherine East
(Metro Berri-UQAM)

Land, Decolonization and Self-Determination aims to demystify the process of
decolonization in the 'Canadian' state. The conference will bring together
those at the forefront of self-determination struggles, and organizers and
activists participating in solidarity work across Turtle Island (ie. occupied
North America).

This conference will strategize ways to dismantle the colonial 'Canadian'
state, break down the walls of Fortress North America, and forge links of
resistance. Let us share information, advance dialogue and fight together.

Land, Decolonization & Self-Determination
A conference to confront Canadian colonialism
and strengthen movements for self-determination

May 13-15, 2005
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Pavillon Hubert-Aquin, Room A-M050
400 Ste-Catherine East
(Metro Berri-UQAM)


* Films, workshops & presentations;
* Strategy and organizing sessions;
* Land, Decolonization and Self-Determination March

Organized by the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement (IPSM) and No One Is
Illegal-Montreal (NOII)

Childcare on-site. Translation available. Metro tickets available. FREE.

Phone: 514-398-7432
E-Mail :


Preliminary Conference Schedule:
(For more specific details and updates, please visit

*Friday, May 13:
11AM-6PM: Film screenings

6:30PM-9:30PM: Evening panel and discussion (Pavillon Hubert-Aquin A-M050)
Canadian Colonialism, Anti-Colonial Struggles & Resistance
Speakers: Joane Bourget, Harsha Walia, Arnie Jack

*Saturday, May 14:
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM – light breakfast & registration

9:30 - 11:30 - WORKSHOPS (3)
-Decolonizing Identity
Natalie Lloyd, Dolores Chew, Joane Bourget
-National Liberation, Nationalism & Decolonization
Ashanti Alston, Harsha Walia
-Justice, Security & Self-Determination
Roderick Carreon, Kukdookaa Terri Brown, Paul Delaronde Tekarontake

11:30 - 12pm - Break

12 - 2PM - WORKSHOPS (4)
-Prisons & Decolonization
Sky Bellefleur, Jonathan Wilson, Antonia Baker
-Migration, Displacement & Decolonization
Tess Agustin, Smail Behlouili, Harsha Walia, Clifton Arihwakehte
-Solidarity and Self-Determination
Sarita Ahooja, Ashanti Alston, Sue Collis
-Canadian Colonialism at Home & Abroad
Magalie X, MacDonald Stainsby, Alcan’t in India, Andrea Schmidt

2 - 3 pm - Lunch Break

3 - 4:30 PM - Reportbacks from Workshops

4:30 - 4:45 PM - Break

4:45 - 7pm – Closing Panel
Decolonization in Practice (Pavillon Hubert-Aquin A-M050)
Shawn Brant, Paul Delaronde Tekarontake, Kukdookaa Terri Brown, Arnie Jack

*Sunday, May 15:
Atwater Square (corner Atwater and Ste-Catherine, Metro Atwater)
-> 11am: Brunch and Speakers
-> 12pm: Land, Decolonization and Self-Determination March


The 'Canadian' government, in its propaganda and legislation, has perpetuated
the idea that decolonization means taking Indigenous Peoples out from
under the yolk of the Indian Act by making them Canadians and allowing
delegated governance.

This conference will expose the 'Canadian' government's current legislative
drive as nothing more than an attempt to complete the colonial project, and
acquire legal access to remaining Indigenous lands and resources in order to
successfully compete in the global economy. Participants will learn what
decolonization means from the perspective of Indigenous and other
self-determining communities. We will learn of the many strategies employed
past and present - legal, political, social and cultural - by Indigenous and
other oppressed peoples in their fight against 'Canadian' colonialism.

Our vision of decolonization at this conference includes deepening our
analysis of the various ways in which colonization manifests itself. We
encourage the participation of people active in diverse social justice
movements so that we can collectively strategize; we include movements
that address occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Haiti and
elsewhere; the attacks on the rights of immigrants and refugees; the Prison
Industrial Complex; the 'war on drugs,' the 'war on terrorism,' reparations
campaigns; anti-racist, anti-patriarchy and queer liberation movements;
capitalist globalization, police harassment and brutality, attacks on the
poor; and more.


-> ENDORSE: We are actively seeking individuals and groups to endorse this
conference. If you or your group supports the conference basis of unity (see
website) please let us know by e-mail or phone.

-> DONATE: We are in big need of funding to meet the various costs associated
with this conference, including transportation for out-of-town guests, and
making sure the conference is free for participants. Please contact your
groups for potential donations and/or help with fund-raising. If you can
donate, please get in touch. Cheques should be made out to 'QPIRG-McGill'
with 'IPSM' in the memo line. Cheques can be mailed to: QPIRG-McGill, 3647
University Street, 3rd Floor, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B3

-> PARTICIPATE: Land, Decolonization and Self-Determination is both a public
education and organizing conference. We are encouraging the participation of
organizers and activists who are interested in building a 'Canadian'
decolonization movement. If you would like to get involved, please get in
touch. Also, if you live in the Montreal-area and would like to volunteer
during the conference, get in touch too! We need help with childcare, food
preparation, note taking, postering, and more… See the volunteer callout for
more details and contact persons.

-> BILLETING: We are expecting many people to be coming in from out of
town, and would like to be able to help them find accommodations. If you
have space and would be willing to welcome people into your home, please
send a message to decolonization at with ‘Billeting’ in the
subject line. Please include your name, contact info, number of people you can accommodate, and on which dates; also what kind of accommodations (bed, couch, floor, etc.), location, accessibility (pet free, wheelchair, child friendly, etc…), and any other necessary information.

-> TABLE: If you would like to set up a table on Saturday, please contact us
soon, as a limited number of spaces are available.

INFO: conference website: or 514-398-7432
Land, Decolonization & Self-Determination conference basis of unity
(Please contact us at decolonization at riseup dot net if you endorse the
Basis of Unity)

-We reject the mutually reinforcing structures of capitalism, imperialism,
colonialism, patriarchy and racism, and the institutions in which they are
embodied. We are organising this conference with the understanding that
capitalist globalisation is nothing new- it is simply a new name for the
colonialism and culture of genocide which Indigenous peoples have been
resisting for centuries. We challenge anti-war and social justice
activists and organisations to recognize that there can be no justice on
stolen land.

-We assert that decolonization 'at home' is an integral part of the
struggle for global justice and self-determination - in concretely
targeting the roots of injustice inside Fortress North America, we oppose
injustice everywhere.

-We advocate the use of a broad range of tactics and creative initiatives in
building a decolonization movement and affirm the importance of building
relationships of mutual aid and solidarity, within and across our movements,
ranging from anti-poverty and prison abolition to queer and trans liberation,
from immigrant and refugee struggles to environmental justice.

-We see decolonization as being only possible through active and
collaborative efforts. This necessarily requires a parallel process of mutual
self-determination and active solidarity between Indigenous and
non-Indigenous communities, founded on a respect for the autonomy of all peoples, groups and individuals.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

Get involved !


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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.