
Is THIS what the chart of an imminent crash looks like?

Anonyme, Friday, May 6, 2005 - 08:34

R. Lewis

How was GM propped up in such a timely manner and WHY has it not fallen to pre-flop levels? Look at this chart and the bollinger bands. You don't need a degree in economics to figure it out.

who knows?
Fri, 2005-05-06 11:10

well, regardless of who or what bailed GM out, their bonds just got downgraded to 'junk' status (along with Ford's), which doesn't bode well for the millions of people dependent on these companies' health & pension benefit plans.

most likely the automakers will try to absolve themselves somehow of these obligations, and this is where -- despite the repeated claims that the Bush administration won't 'bail out' Ford & GM -- the US gov't will end up either quietly picking up the tab, or nixing the relevant regulations, leaving millions of people out in the cold.

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