
America's First "Lady" Reveals: GWB in Masturbation of Horse

Anonyme, Tuesday, May 3, 2005 - 14:01

C.L. Hallmark

03 May 2005 - Laura Bush showed the other side of the Sourthern Belle Saturday night (live) when she protrayed your Dear Leader, Pres. George W. Bush, as masturbating a male horse. Doesn't say much about Laura's charms. What other kinds of animal husbandry do they practice down there on the farm?

You thought you had heard it all from the Bushes. As young Americans die and kill in Iraq, the First "Lady" does a standup comedy routine before all the bigwigs in Washington and to the national and world press, joking that her husband, America's Protector, has Portnoy's Complaint, going to bed early and leaving her a Desperate Housewife. Did that leave "Lady" Laura to practice animal housewifery? Tell us about yourself, too, Laura. Show us your Lyndie England routine.

Can you imagine what Billy Graham Cracker or Jerry Full Well or "Diamond Pat" Robertson -- or your local fleecer -- would say if the First "Lady" were a Democrat? Double-standard, double-dipping hypocrites one and all.

The New York Times reporter in the link, of all people, was shocked. Of course there are many things not generally known about Laura. One of them is that she, as a young lady many ago, killed a boy by broadsiding his car in an automobile accident. She got a free ride, wasn't investigated, and still hasn't expressed remorse. Her mother only expressed self-pity (better him than Mrs. Welch's only daughter).

So this is what we are dealing with -- no decency, just phoniness. It explains a lot ... a lot of deaths, over 100,000 in Iraq.

Tell us some more about Family Values, Laura. What else did YOU do?

Can you imaging Eleanor Roosevelt, Mamie Eisenhower, Jackie Kennedy, or, yes, Hillary Clinton, telling those stories?

Often, US First Ladies have gotten a free ride; they have been practically off-limits for criticism -- this "Lady" especially. All this does is promote the psyops of the government and the military.

Laura Bush: Give us an apology and tell George to quit preaching. (Tell her, Karl Rove.)

Sun, 2005-05-08 12:14

Cela n'a pas vraiment rapport comme article ! Mais si vous êtes curieux à propos de George Bush masturbant un cheval aller lire un autre artice (sans mot de pass comme le nytimes) :

Y' aussi un bout sur laura bush et Condoleezza Rice (des supposées religieuses) au danseurs nues...

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