
Nonviolent protesters occupy Univ. of Hawaii admin bldg, demand end to military R&D center

Anonyme, Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 16:24

Save UH/Stop UARC

Nonviolent protesters have occupied the administration building of the Univ of Hawaii, calling for end to military weapons development facility.

(The following press release has been sent worldwide, and has been posted to

Press Advisory
Honolulu, Hawaii
Contact: Kyle Kajihiro 808-542-3668; Ikaika Hussey 808-221-2843
Thursday, April 28 2005
10:30 am

Nonviolent protesters move on Univ. of Hawaii administration building, demand end to secret military research center

Honolulu, HI – A group of nonviolent protesters have entered Bachman Hall, the University of Hawaii administration building, and have demanded an end to the University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) project, which would establish a secret military research facility to conduct Navy weapons development. The group -- consisting of students, faculty, and concerned community members -- has prepared a formal statement of legal, moral, health, cultural, and political reasons why UARC should be dropped. They have prepared a formal letter to the US Navy for Interim President David McClain to sign stating that UH is withdrawing its UARC application, because of the substantial public concern over increased secret military research. The nonviolent protesters have stated that they will not leave Bachman Hall until Mr. McClain publicly declares the end of UARC.

MORE Full text of student/faculty/community demands follows:

28 April 2005
University of Hawaii at Manoa
O‘ahu, Hawai‘i

To: The people of Hawai‘i
Cc: University of Hawaii Interim President David McClain

Aloha aina kakou:

We, the students, faculty, and community are the ‘?hana of the University of Hawaii.
The health and security of our public institution of higher learning, and the community it serves, is our chief concern.

We are assembled here with a simple demand: that the highest authority of our University of Hawaii, Interim President David McClain, formally end the University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) project, which threatens the soul of our university and endangers the health and welfare of our community with secret military weapons research.

Frustrated by the UH Manoa Chancellor’s lack of transparency and honesty about the UARC, and concerned that the Administration is already determined to establish the UARC over the serious concerns and overwhelming opposition from all sectors of the campus and community, we are compelled to resort to nonviolent civil resistance to save our university. We remain steadfast in our opposition to the UARC project for the following reasons:

1. UARC would be involved in military weapons related research that is incompatible with the strategic plan, core values and educational mission of UH.
2. UARC compounds the historical injustices committed by US forces against Native Hawaiians and fuels military expansion and its negative impacts on the land and people of Hawai’i. The Kuali’i Council, the body representing the interests of Native Hawaiians on the UH Manoa campus, testified before the Board of Regents: “Since the American military has done more to damage our ancestral lands than any other entity, we cannot support the establishment of a UARC at the University of Hawai’i.

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